
I have a lace wig from Peggy Knight and the hair is reverting through the base of the lace..I followed the washing instructions she gave me and only washed it twice. I am not sure how to get it back through or even how that happened. What can I do to fix this problem?

I have attached some pictures..

Thanks everybody..

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I'm not a wig expert but it can't be too many things. I hope the wig makers will weigh in on this so we can all learn.

Can anyone talk about double, triple knotting technique, etc? I believe that even expensive wigs can be made poorly. I've seen it. If wig sellers are not inspecting their wigs carefully when they are delivered, any factory can have sloppy, fast workers who make poorly secured knots. Quality control is a big problem in wig making. (Adding glossers and conditioners that wash right out the first time is another common problem....the way new, thick socks are sooo fluffy at the store when you first buy them and then never again)

Did you pay for any part of the wig on an AMEX card by any chance?

Might it be:

1) poor knotting at the factory
2) too much conditioner
3) or conditioner in contact too long on the knots

The hair that's loosened cannot be put back. So unless it's poor knotting (get a magnifying glass) over the entire wig, the aim is prevention of further loss.

Are others using this strategy: Is the prevention for future washing to turn the wig inside out afterward, patting out moisture in a towel and dabbing the knots with 90% alcohol to tighten them right away?

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Thank you for your response.. It's weird because the other wigs I purchase for a fraction of the cost do not do this!!! Yes I paid with a credit card.. I tried to get my money back for the product because I am not happy at all with the quality. I just received a letter that said, note your item is not returnable.. So now I am in a bind.. I am soo upset. I paid a lot of money for this product and waited 4 months for it. The hair was great when I first got it.. Washed it once.. It dulled down.. Yes I have to say I loved it when I first got it.. That changed fast.. When I received it the unit was torn. (the cap) when I had my consultation I was told I could you tape to secure it. Peggy told me she mis spoke..She offered for me to send the item back to have the factory add tape patches.. that does not help me though. After 3 weeks the product is not satisfactory.. Now I am stuck.. I have been trying to get some resolution, but they don't want to take the product back..

What should I do with the stray hairs that are coming back through the base? Should I cut them off?
Thanks again.

Use your consumer rights and even more! Wig wearers are being routinely subjected to un-businesslike practices and I believe too many sellers have had a free ride for too long on the vulnerabilities of the wig wearing consumer. Sending form letters as you received is an intimidation tactic to give you the idea that you have no recourse. You do have many avenues of recourse.

No, you're not stuck. There are actions to take and they require a methodical approach which should not be too onerous. You will get satisfaction in the way of replacement or refund. People with alopecia are consumers with a choice of where to spend their money. Wig sellers are no different than
someone selling an appliance or doing a bad job in providing a service. As consumers, wig wearers have rights in every state....some more than others. In NY state we have strong consumer advocacy laws.

Write an entry on www.Angieslist.com about this business and inform the seller about it. If there is no section for wig sellers, you can create one which will be beneficial. It's a powerful motivator and gets results when you say " I'm going to write about the service I received on Angies"

Immediately, contact the Better Business Bureau in the jurisdiction of the seller's business location and file a written complaint. Use a separate piece of added paper if the form they send does not provide adequate space to clearly tell what happened. Send the seller a letter( signature required on receipt) saying you are going to do this and that you are also writing about their lack of good product and service here on AW and other message boards...anywhere people with alopecia are chatting. Do this concisely in writing and keep records of every action you take in a log. ( it's easy to forget all the steps so dating them in a log helps). Keep copies of everything. The seller will be notified by the BBB and this could be a big black mark against them. They will be required to reply. (Ask the seller if they want to replace the wig before you take this step and see if they offer an acceptable remedy.)

Contact your credit card issuer and file a complaint for "damaged merchandise at time of purchase" " merchandise not as advertised" "product not performing as required" etc. whatever the complaints are. When they send you the charge dispute form, submit photos with a clear bullet point list of what you did, what you were told, and be specific what you want done as a remedy. If you want a new replacement wig, say so.

In general, use Amex whenever possible. When the seller has an Amex account, but does not want to use it ( MC and Visa cost them less) file a complaint to American Express that this business gave you a hard time. Leave the store and don't purchase the wig until the seller puts it on your Amex card. The complaint resolution process with Amex is fair and efficient.

Make it all accurate and businesslike and I believe you will get a satisfactory result.As for the loose hair, just cut them off of leave as is.

Please see this discussion where I'm compiling a survey and asking for the " issues" that women have with wig sellers. Also, use that discussion to contribute what questions wig wearers should be asking before they cross the threshold into a wig shop.

Thank you again.. I will do that..

Note: wigs of the vacuum/suction type do not have knotting at all....it's a method which "sets" and secures the end of the hair securely as the cap material cures.
That's why that type of wig can look especially natural.....there are no "returns" of shorter hairs alongside each longer strand.

If that's not a correct way to describe it, the suction wig sellers will hopefully be able to provide us more education on it without their posts being deleted as "advertising".

I know I'd like to learn as much as I can from the people who know the products and problems best.




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