Hi. My son lost almost all his hair, lashes and eyebrows over about 10 days in early March.
I noticed his pattern of growth seems atypical to everything I've seen about alopecia areata.
His hair completely grows for about 10 days and then suddenly it falls out again.
I was under the impression that the hair usually doesn't grow in and fall out like that, but rather falls out for a period and then comes back for a period. I haven't seen anyone describe the pattern I'm seeing in him.

Also, when the hair grows in it's not extra soft or like baby hair like I've read about.

Tell me what you think!

Has anyone else seen this?
Could it be a misdiagnosis and he has something else?

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That's very unusual, I've never heard of that. I hope someone responds with an answer.
Hi Carley,
There is no rime or reason to alopecia areata. I've had it all my life & still am amazed how it acts. Has a dermatologist diagnosed your son w/AA? 18 yrs ago I had some scalp regrowth with dark pigmented (terminal) hair. It was gone within 2 weeks. Hang in there - there's lots of research & you have this great community to help you.



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