UGHHHHHH. Hair shopping. Human Hair Wigs... What's your favorite brand style and why? I've always had Jon Renau Darla or Hannah, but I fell like I need a change.

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Pam, which wigs or sellers did you buy from. I bought one on Ebay. The color, though not bad, was much lighter and brighter than the picture--more blond than red and the hair was think, including the fibers. But I only paid $20+ dollars for it. I've eyed a few others.

My favorite is Peggy Knight. I have worn a vacuum piece for over 20 years and I still love them. I can swim, go on a roller coaster, jet ski.

She also has a new one out that is called the gripper.

I have had total hair loss since 1970 and I have tried everything!

I think hers are the best available. They last for years!!
I have looked into vacuum wigs but they seem so expensive compared to the synthetic ones and then there is the expense of the upkeep. I have thought many times but investing in one but then talk myself out of it. I have been wearing Estetica Whisper Lite for several years now. They're fairly comfortable except in the hot summer. I gave up washing them because they lose their body and shine and buy a new one every 3 months. They cost about $100 now but when you think of it as $33 per month, that's about what you'd pay for shampoo, conditioner, trims, etc. so it doesn't seem like that much.
My favorite wig ever is a human hair wig by Estectica called Angelina. It's long and straight but it's so soft and it's the most comfortable one I've ever had. My scalp is pretty sensitive and so many of them are itchy, but this one is great. I actually work in a hair salon and would you believe no one who comes in there knows it's not my hair? People have actually pointed to my wig and told their stylist that they want theirs to look like mine! (I just laugh.....) Good luck!
I have had AU for about 5 years. Whenever hair starts to grow back eventually I lose it again. I have always worn Jon Renau and find the human hair wigs far superior. The synthetic look OK for about 6 months and then start to go frizzy. I wear a Danielle which is 100% hand tied and I find it comfortable although a bit hot in summer. I have an "older" one I wear if I am doing sports or around the house and a newer one I wear in public. I hope that they will last at least 2 or 3 years. Not many manufacturers make a 100% hand tied human hair wig so it takes a lot of research. I always ended up back at Jon Renau. There is a lady in NY who sells wigs at a very good price on line because she is out to help us not make a lot of money. Contact Sherry at I highly recommend her. I live in Ontario and have never had any problem ordering from her.
Hi All,
Can anyone recommend a decent wig that is comfortable to sweat in during the summer heat or in the gym??
Thanks! :)
~ Beth
I wear synthetics when I'm going to sweat or get dirty cuz they're wash and wear.
I like Rene of Paris -- I wear "Brandi." I have several.
Whatever wig you choose, definitely look into the No Sweat wigliner by Headline It. Just google it. It's like this really soft, felt-like thing you stick into any wig. It's natural color on top so nothing shows through and there's a row of sticky tape inside so it tapes right into your wig. Best invention EVER!! You can sweat away and not worry about messing up the wig - just take the liner out when it gets gross and toss it. It absorbs sweat and is pretty cool, temperature wise. Good luck!
Hi, I like jon renau too, but tend to wear the supplex by trendco as it has a smooth cap that clings to my head (no glue or tape as i have sensative skin lol) I am saving for a Follea Gripper at the moment, folleas hair is so lush! :o)
We purchased a piece for my son from Second Nature Hair, got it 3 weeks ago, so far we have been on an emotionally roller coaster with him, Alopecia is really messing up our life!!!

Can you tell me about the Darla? It looks adorable on it comfortable? My Estetica is the most comfortable I've ever had, but I found the Darla on sale recently. Just want to make sure it's comfy and nice quality. Thanks!!!

Hi,vogue wig is great! which type do you want to change?Have you found the one you like?



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