I am the mother of a four year old boy who developed alopecia last May.  Within a couple of months he was completely bald.  It was the most traumatic experience of my life... just watching more and more hair disappear and knowing I couldn't stop it.  Any time we went out and he wasn't wearing a hat, people thought he had cancer.  It was just so surreal... I couldn't believe it was happening to my little boy.  I was thankful it wasn't life threatening, but I was so terrified that he would be made fun of at school his whole life or would have trouble getting a girlfriend when he got older.  I tried all different treatments... steroid cream, aromatherapy oils, and an herbal treatment from India, but the hair just kept falling out until he had only a couple of strands left.  Then I found another treatment made by a scientist in Israel called Hair Up, and after a couple of weeks using it I noticed new hair growth.  After five months of using the treatment, he now has over 90% of his hair back.  At first I was worried that his hair was simply growing back on its own and it was just a coincidence that it started growing back when I started using the treatment.  But then about a month ago we went away for four days and forgot the medicine (I was sooo upset) and when we returned I noticed there were two new bald spots.  I started using the treatment again and it stopped falling out and began growing again.  Has anyone else on here used this treatment and had similar results?

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Replies to This Discussion

I completely agree with Jen and Lillian!!! I'm ordering hair up as soon as they are back from vacation. My contacts in Israel have confirmed, Gonon is the real deal. Totally legitimate! My daughter's 4 with alopecia totalis. She's on a organic diet with absolutely no preservatives. Much love to alopecia moms everywhere!

I admire you on your confidence and acceptance of the situation. I feel the same way about my son. He is great, he is confident and funny. He has lots of friends and the few times with teasing we have dealt with without scars to his soul. If his hair doesn’t grow back or if he loses it all again we will definitely get through it and deal with it.

However, the world is full of knowledge that never makes it to the scientific journals but could still be very useful. Most of us drink tea or milk with honey and put a scarf on when we have a sore throat. But you would never find any of that in a scientific journal. There has been so much life on this planet before any scientific journal saw its light and claimed to be the only valid source for cures of human conditions.

I also have to add that you are underestimating us parents thinking of us as blind sheep who fall for any scam that holds hope for giving our children their hair back. We are also well (scientifically) educated people who do our own critical research prior to buying any product. Yes, we take a chance but we do it with our eyes open.

Finally, but importantly there is a mental angle to all this as well. As time passes and different treatments are being tried we go through our own “acceptance process”. Having done this for a few years and seeing our son growing up and developing gives us confidence that we will make it through this challenge. But it takes time, and everybody needs to do it their own way. Accept that, please.

Making a thread "go away" is not a healthy approach in my opinion. We are all here to educate each other so any discussion should be welcome.

Peace and love :-)
Out of curiousity - how much does Hair Up cost?
I have read $500 for one month first supply on another message board where someone reported buying it. I have not verified independently.
It costs $500 for 3 months
Of course I have tried many many medicine, cream, injections which are recommended by science. As you know all of the treatments did not worked for long. I just want to try differentway...maybe it will work..and I know many people which has good results after Hair Up.
im very late in this discussion BUT Mikey has had alopecia for 5 months today. We started treatment of topical steriod ointment 2 weeks on 1 week off. We did this for 2 months ONLY its supposed to be for 6 months but his spots kept coming so I figured we cant do this forever! What happens after we stop this steriod use? hair loss again??? So we decided to let it take its course. If its gonna fall its gonna fall, if it isnt , it isnt! Its reality, its unpredictable, its gonna happen when it wants to no matter what we do. So here we are today. Mikey has white peach fuzz growing if its due to the ointment who knows. He hair in back is still falling so he has total polka dots in back. Fine, so he wears a cap. In a matter of 3 weeks his collection had grown to 22 caps :) and still growing. Of course I worry about all the what ifs when he starts school and im scared that i cant protect him from unknowing people. But its up to me and his daddy to help and support him totally. i still research all the different approaches and see if maybe id try one but i dont think so cause id still have to worry about what if??? If Mikey is laughing and driving me crazy im okay. For today i am happy and tomorrow i maybe crying! and for me thats okay for i am a mom who does not want to push stuff on her child until he is old enough to decide what he may want to try. For now he is happy and he is cool because like he'll tell u POLKA DOTS ARE SUPER COOL!!!
Those who are familiar with the names and brands in this thread will readily recognize that this is part of an endless stream of posters writing the exact same thing under different aliases, telling the same " story" all over the internet pretending to be successful and happy clients.

Here's one of the latest "How to spot a hair loss scam" I posting here on AW a while back.

Join our list and follow the blog for accurate treatment info at baldgirlsdolunch.org
hello shanila...I have almost the same story with you.. I lost my hair at the same age with you and I have tried many treatments including steroids to grow my hair again. But none of them has worked for long. I have begun to use Hair Up for 10 weeks ago. The left side of my head is growing but the problem my hair is still falling...
Are there any side-effects of using Hair Up in long run? My girl is 2 1/2 and she was 1 1/2 when she first has AA. Shall we get more info. about Hair Up? As we are not in US. ,can it be ordered and used without doctors' perscription?
I was doing some research and i found out that Mr gonen had a product or still has called hair Prime it looks the same as hair up just different name. I wonder why the name change. I've been using it on my daughter for 5 months now and its not working how i spected it. I guess that i was so desperate to cure my daughter that i was willing to try anything eventhough i was told there is not cure. Now that time has passed and we finally accepeted reality we're going to let nature take its course.
hello saida i have a question. Is there anyone in your family having AA?



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