Have any of your seen this movie?! It is so fabulous! First movie I have ever seen where a character has Alopecia! Was really a great story! I could actually relate to it! Especially since my mother has always told me it will take a "very special man" to love me. Hhhhhhh someday.

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I laughed. I cried. I was held in suspense. I would have even danced if I could. And now, having finally watched this movie after seeing it mentioned several times here in Alopecia World, I regret that I didn't see it earlier. As quiet as it's kept, I'm all but addicted such lovely films about love. So thank you very much, Annabelle, for mentioning it yet again. :-)
Is it available for rental yet?
HappyThankYouMorePlease is available on DVD. It's also available on Netflix, only to rent. (Not instant watch). My best friend rented it for me from Netflix. And when we get it we're going to watch it together! :)
Yeah!! I'll put it in my queue!
I'm downloading it right now! Can't wait to see it!



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