When I was younger I had this wonderful dermatologist. I used to see her almost always once a month for years, but after Katrina she never came back to New Orleans... :( Anyway, the shots hurt too much and my mother and I had already gone through a bunch of other treatments with a bunch of other doctors, so instead my dermatologist would irritate my scalp once a month around areas with hair loss or around long-standing patches to set off the immune system, and I would apply Rogaine to get the hair to grow... She would irritate my scalp every month by applying liquid nitrogen. It was odd, but it really did help! I had hair growth in places I hadn't seen it in years, and I still have some hair in those same areas today, even if it is just stray strands or baby fuzz.

Has anyone else heard of this? I'd tried to look up this method before but didn't get anything. Post-Katrina when I had hair-troubles, my mom actually got some dry ice a couple of times and would apply similar methods.

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Hi Rachel, I have never heard of this form of treatment. but, wanted to let you know that my daughter Sam does a treatment which is an irritant that is working for her. She is doing a squaric acid treatment. SADBE. A few months after we started she began regrowth on her scalp only. A year later since regrowth began she has most of her hair back. It may be worth you and your mom looking into. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. There are pics of different stages of regrowth on my page. Good luck! Cindy
Hi Cindy,
What exactly does this treatment involve? What are the side effects if any?

Hi Rachel,
I haven't heard of the treatment you talk of....but if it works for you than that is great. Good luck.
In every "history of alopecia" there are reports throughout the ages of different cultures trying any variety of potions, lotions and such that all produce the same result: creating an irritant.

What the body does in response is essentially the same regardless of what the actual irritant is. That is, to send over white blood cells to go to work on the "invading" irritant thereby moving away from the bulb of the hair follicle.

If this were to coincide with a cycling off of the hair arrest cycle, hair can have a prolonged chance to grow normally again. But if the condition reactivates, the hair loss starts all over again.




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