I am strongly considering quitting my job because I'm finding it very difficult making the transition from having hair to not having any. I work in NY City, and unfortunately with a bunch of catty women. I have diffuse alopecia areata, and up until now, have been able to get away with my alopecia. I've tried wigs...not for me, and I have not quite figured out what avenue to take...shaving, scarf, hat etc. Well, anyway I don't want to be the talk of the office, or have to explain myself over and over. I think I would just break down and cry. I just want to come to terms with my alopecia on my own time. Just wondering if anyone has quit their job because of their alopecia?

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"Life is sometimes hard enough without making an extra effort to stand out in the crowd." ESPECIALLY, if it draws negative vibes to you.

Well said, Lexi.

I appreciate "move on to a new job" It's really more that I just want some time to process this whole alopecia thing.

Hi! well mmm first of all I have a job and all and I kinda know what you mean. Bc I've been havin Alopecia Universal since I was 11 so I've been using wigs since I was in school... Wearing a wig is not the most comfortable thing ... as I know so far... and I know it is horrible going to a place full of people talking about clothes, appeareance, weight and all but the thing is... If you need time I could say take it.. take your time to think if this is what you want... but of course also think that you don't have to stop your life because other people speak...
We only talk about important things :) If they talk about you it is because you are important... either way I know it is a hard thing.... going through Alopecia and all... But give it a try... do what you want... and don't let Alopecia stops you from doing what you want :) We only have one life... Enjoy it.

Hi. I know exactly because I've been there...done that! First decide if you can briefly explain you have a skin/hair condition that isn't contagious but you need to wear a scarf. If you feel they won't understand...look for another job then if found...leave. But if you can make them understand & you feel comfortable you can stay. I have totalis but started with scarves/bandanas. I mentioned allergy to dust...whatevet but fortunately I got laid off...hooked with someone they mentioned to start an apt cleaning service. Been doing it over 10 yrs. Can you do your skilled job as an entrepreneur? Think about that. More relaxed, comfortable & less stress. Get back to me.

Thanks for your reply Gale. As I stated before, I'm not interested in finding a new job right away. I just want to take some time to process.

Heather, just a thought....if you are thinking of finding a new job ANYWAY, why don't you USE this workplace as a place to try things out. If you are leaving this workplace soon enough, who gives a rat's ass about anyone there? Let these people talk, roll the eyes, glare at you, whatever. USE them. Get used to whatever they may throw your way. Maybe nothing will happen and you are building this all up in your own mind. I think this would be the best place for your to find out who you really are, and who you really want to be and how you wish to present yourself to the world, for the rest of your life. Any thoughts?

I am not planning on finding a new job right away. I just want time to just "BE". I don't think I want to wear a wig. I have enough trouble wearing a hat

I would absolutely not quit my job. Go to a reputable wig salon and have them find one that is comfortable for yiu. Then, on your own time, you can figure out what you want to do.

I think a lot of you mis-read my post. I didn't ask if I should quit my job or not. I asked if ANY of you did.

No...sorry for the misread. I haven't quit my job, and in two months I can retire with 25 years of service and fully paid medical benefits FOR LIFE. Which is the reason I never quit....whether times were good or bad. That was my goal, and I wasn't going to let alopecia or mean people get in the way.

In answer to your question. I did not quit my job, right away. I did quit eventually because I worked at the position with a bunch of unappreciative people. My boss, who I had worked my rear off for, burning the midnight oil at no pay, had my 10th anniversary pen made up, Happy 10th Anniversary Eileen. lol She had called me Eileen most of my career there...no respect. So I left, and now, work with women who have many more challenges than I do. Do things in your own time, and pace. I like the Yoga, meditation idea...clear the stress and believe in yourself. I did, and my hair came back. Unfortunately, I got a little comfortable and went back into a stressful environment, and voila, here I am again. Can hardly wait to retire :)

No, and I think you would be wise to find another thing to do..before you quit. The economy is hard.
Meanwhile you could look at EFT (tapping) which you do yourself in decent privacy ...can find samples on the net for free... to let go the feelings. Works very fast.



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