I'm seeing a new specialist for my alopecia areata (I've had A/U in the past too) and she was telling me about positive results in 2 case studies that involved Allegra and Spironolactone (blood pressure medication) for those with Alopecia.  I have just started Allegra this week and waiting for my blood results to see if my kidneys/liver are in good shape to use the spironolactone.  I'm just curious if anyone else out there is trying these?


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Hi Kimberly,

My daughter has Androgenetic alopecia, which has a different cause than Alopecia Areata, Universalis, and Totalis.

There have been many cases of women taking Spironolactone, up to 200 mg, for growing hair back with this condition. But results vary greatly, and there is not hard clinical evidence.

As far as Allegra goes, that would be great, but no dermatologist I have ever consulted with has suggested it. 

Thanks for the info Beth!  I haven't started the spironolactone yet, but did start the Allegra.  I was told it can take  a few months to see if it's working or not...so I'll let you know.  I thought it would be best to start with one treatment at a time and see what kind of results I get.

Hi Kimberly,
Dor you have alopecia areata?

The last specialist I saw actually said, "I've never met anyone quite like you..." - not sure how to take that!

I originally had alopecia areata (started at 14 for 6 years), turned to alopecia universalis for 10 years but everything came back but my leg hair with pregnancy.  It fell out again after I stopped breast feeding and then it all came back (except my leg hair again, not complaining) when I got pregnant with my second child.  She's now about to turn 6 and it's slowly falling out again.  Just my head hair though.  My specialist is having me try a hand full of things, two listed above...but it's still falling out.  Thinking of getting a wig soon.  :( 

Thanks for the article - very interesting.  I live in Seattle so the Pacific Northwest is in full bloom right now.  Even though I don't have allergies, I figured it can't hurt anything, right?  ;)

Hi Kimberly,
I hope you consider keeping this thread updated now and then as to if allegra is regrowing your hair. Just think this info. may help someone. Many thanks!


Hi kim.. do you have any updates on your situation? Thank you



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