Hi all,

Going by the makers recommendation Novasone should only be used for a short period (4 weeks) my GP has me now on the third month with another script to follow! Not sure if this is good & having not much success to date though I do have a few white tiny hairs showing on the bald patches where the rest of my hair is dark! Not sure if that is a good sign.....

Just interested if anyone out there has used this product and if you had any success and for how long was it used?

Actually considering going to a dermatologist as only new with AA - i think i need to do this.

I am so glad I have found this web site - you are so amazing.

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Back again....Another year later for me and white hairs have not changed in colour etc....just getting longer and quite thin in those patches! Not even sure if they can be coloured with hair dye or maybe not a good idea to use chemicals. Anyone else out there have the same feeling with this....certainly would love to hear. Still at the back of my head and another one or two has developed!



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