My name is Daniell, and I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm 41 years old and I live in Canada, and I've never, ever thought I'd be posting on a site like this, but I'm glad I am! :)

Last August I was at a wedding for my close friend and I had hair down to my shoulders and a beard. Then, my friend who was sharing a room with me said, "What's wrong with your beard?" I looked in the mirror and there was a little spot no bigger than a millimeter. I thought I was bitten by a bug, or that I had burned it or something.

As time went on, the spot got bigger and bigger, so I went to the doctor who referred me to a Dermatologist. He told me "It's just Alopecia Areata, no big deal just shave twice a day and see you later". Well, it wasn't long before I lost whole sections of my beard, so the dark shadow on my face was in spots all over.

Soon, sparse pure white hair started growing in my beard and it wasn't long before I started missing spots on my head. And where hair did grow in these spots, was more sparse white hair. I went back to the Dermatologist who gave me 32 injections in my head, but they didn't work (and I don't think he cared). He said bluntly, "Come back if they get bigger" but it was such an unhealthy conversation, I never went back. And, it just got bigger and bigger and now I have three large spots (that I can see, I believe there's more on the back of my head).

The biggest one is probably 4" x 4" on the left side of my head, the second is 3" x 3" on the top of my head, and another the size of a quarter in between. This week, I noticed my left eyebrow is nearly completely gone! The right one is still there though!

I can cover them up somewhat by creatively combing my hair. The eyebrow, well...that's a different story. My Fiancee tells me I should just shave my head, she's very accepting. I'm not ready to do that yet in case it grows back in, and well it might. But it might not.

I think I'm just going to see how it progresses. I know the time is near where I'm going to have to shave my head and eyebrows because right now I'm looking like I have mange. I just wanted to post and talk about it with people that understand. I'm very lucky, have a great life, and I'm not even all that upset this is happening. It could be worse. :) And I hope that nobody thinks I'm minimizing it; clearly it has affected me enough to write here.

I don't know how or why it happened, and I don't care. I'm healthy and happy, and life goes on. However, was curious if it manifested for other people the same way it has for me?

Glad to meet all who care to respond (and those who don't), and thank you for listening!


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I had AA off and on from ages 10-20, but when I was in my late 30s I started losing the head hair again (after kids, stress), then when it finally decided to go away completely, it did so VERY quickly: between Thanksgiving and January for head, by June for body. That was about 16 years ago. Now, only head hair is gone (whew). Parts of one eyebrow come and go, but usually with stress or use of eyebrow powder left on too long. I have no ideas on the triggers, because strange events in the last 10 years didn't give me AU again, and I can't pinpoint any diet causes. I do know all my hair came back at 20 after learning to drink wine at college, so...hmmm...
Tallgirl, have you tried drinking wine again to see if it helps bring your hair back?
Yep. But in 2004 the cardiologist put the limit to none (abnormal EKG around the anniversary of a family death, an impending family rich foods at art shows...) and another doc to one red per day, so the effect won't happen like it did in college! I won't stress out my heart to find out!
Now, back to Daniell...
Hi Daniel,

My son has AA, he was diagnosed at age 5, and we had the same response from the Dermatologist, like it was no big deal, so upsetting, his has come and gone through the years, he is now 14 years old and it is the worst it has ever been, he has tons of hair on top, but the back has 2 huge spots and now he is losing it all underneath, it is heartbreaking for me to see him go through this, I told him he should just save it, bald is beautiful. We are trying a new treatment next week, Immuno Therapy, the only thing that seemed to work for Ryan was Prednisone, but we took him off, just too harmful to the body. Please take care... and look at all the gorgeous men out there that are bald.
Hi Daniell. *waving*

I'm a newbie here as well. I was only just diagnosed in June of this year. My hairloss has manifested in a much slower and concealed fashion than yours, so I'm kind of under the radar right now. By the time I had the lab results and the "official" diagnosis, I had already been lurking here for a while, so I was prepared for what the doctor was telling me. And since no one can really tell, I haven't had to be concerned about who accepts me and who doesn't.

Even so, I'm thinking in line with your fiancee, in that I just want get it over with. On one hand, I feel totally guilty for wanting it to fall out quickly when so many others are fighting to keep theirs. On the other hand, waiting for the other shoe to drop is driving me nuts. On a lighter note, I WISH I could give you my eyebrows. I was on the way to a unibrow from the Rogaine until I discontinued it.

It sounds like you have great support in your corner and a great attitude. ;)

If you do decide to shave, you'll just be added to the list of all the other bald cuties ... Yul Brynner (yeah, I''m showing my age, but I love this man), Vin Diesel, Patrick Stewart, Ving Rhames, Billy Blanks ... I could go on. *swoon*
If your not ready to shave your head, this post isn't meant to force you. I was recently diagnosed with AA and in a 6 week period had a bald spot similar to the large one you talked about. I himmed and hawwed over shaving my head, as did my fiancée, and finally we came to a consensus. Today I am proudly bald. It has to be one of the single more rewarding things I have done after trying adamantly to hide and deny the fact that there was something a head(foot). As of right now I have only been bald for a few days, and there is a little extra maintenance in the morning... But I did used to just be a get up and go person, so I never did my hair anyway. Stepping outside on a cool fall day right after shaving you head just makes it tingle... I love it. I will admit I was incredibly nervous putting those clipped up to my head knowing what would happen if they made contact. And my scalp was irritated the first day, but it feels great now. Showering is a breeze. I was actually quiet thrown off the first time I showered with my shaved head.. I grabbed my loofa washed my face like I normally do hit my head up real quick with the loofa and just stood there... I didnt know what to do I was used to being in the shower another 5-10 or so minuets washing my hair and then removing the hairs, that jumped ship during my shower, from my face and hands.

If it's nerves that have you holding off trust me once it's done you will love it. It may take some adjusting to get used to it, but it may feel right from day one like it did with me.

I wish you all the best. And remember you do have the support of your friends and family and us here on AW.



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