Hi everyone! I'm Kristy& I've been loosing my hair for 4year now... My doctor would always tell me I was pulling it out myself or it was because I had so many children back to back.. I JUST recently got a referral out to a dermatologist but my hair is so gone now that I am just preparing myself to shave it off... I'm tired of trying to hide it& the patches are all over my head with one big spot in the back... I'm having a really hard time accepting that my hair is gone and not sure if it will return.... My hair is literally 75-80% gone and I am so torn on what to do.. Any input would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you.. <3

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Shave it it will make you feel better :) sounds like a horrible DR you need a new one 

Before shaving your head, you should consult with a good hair specialist. They will analyze your scalp and suggest a proper way to deal with your hair loss and baldness. I would suggest you go for a surgical hair transplant. That would be one of the best solutions for your baldness. 

Laura - I understand that you are trying to be helpful, but I'm curious why you would suggest a hair transplant to someone with AA as a good solution for baldness. OP, like most of us, probably would not have enough hair to transplant from the back to the front and sides.

Kristy or whoever is reading this out of interest: I agree with the shave it and own it school of thought when you have as much hair loss as you do. That way you have some control over your hair loss and that will give you a sense of freedom and (hopefully) well being. You then have a choice to go bald, wear a wig, or wear a head covering like a hat, scarf, etc.

Also, please keep the appointment with the dermatologist so you can get a definitive answer as to exactly what you have, if it is AA or one of its cousins, and possibly some answers and help dealing with this affliction.

Good point @ Hagster, transplant is very hard with little hair. And I have client who regretted it after he lost more hair.

What is a 'good hair specialist' and where do you find one?  Doubt that they teach much useful stuff in beauty school about hair loss.  Most just want to work with clients with full heads of hair.

I think you don't need to make such a big step and shave your head. You can surf the Internet, visit related web site like this one and find some alternatives. I just want you don't regret later about what you can do.

And just what are we supposed to find as alternatives for hair loss on a "write an essay for you" website (from the link you provided)?

We suggest shave because of the amount of hair loss.  When you only have 20-30% of your hair (or less), you look like Betelguese and have to deal with a little hair that the loss can't be hidden with scalp color, a topper,  or even dealt with when wearing a wig or scarf - which is hard to do. Double stick tape can pull existing hair out;  Glue has to be washed out; Hair scraggles have to be tucked.   A shaved head is easier to keep clean, moisturize,  and keep on a wig or scarf without more damage, etc.


Valid advice!

I shaved my hair just this last April. I had lost so much hair it just wasn't a difficult choice. It really is freeing and although I have a couple wigs, I live in S. Arizon. Wigs are hot. I am having fun with scarves and hats. I also go uncovered and feel just fine. domwhat feels right for you.
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WTH does using a Samsung device have to do with shaving your head or hair loss in general?



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