Hi all.
I was diagnosed with alopeica areata about 6 months ago after I found a small bald patch on the back of my head and noticed that my hair had got generally thinner. I was put on spiro 100mg a day. My hair shedded horribly for 3 months until it finally stopped and I've noticed good regrowth of my bald spot.
However since going back to my GP for a check up, she asked me if I had noticed much regrowth overall. I said no but that it had stopped falling out so she upped my spiro dose to 200mg a day. Well it's been a month now and my hair is falling out again more than ever and I'm so upset. I thought I was getting to a point where I could accept that my hair was just going to be a little thinner and I'd learnt to manage it and the spiro was keeping things ticking along. Now I just don't know what to do. I can't go through all this again and I feel like I'm back at square one, crying all the time and sitting here counting every single hair that falls off my head (100 having just got out of the shower just now).
Has anyone else upped their spiro dose and noticed more shedding? Should I go back to 100mg? I am so angry that this is happening all over again. I'm only 28 and I feel so old and have lost all my confidence.
Thank you for any advice.
K x