Hey all,

Still trying to find wigs.....ugh....... As far as I know does anywhere in Canada actually sell ROP wigs in a Salon? I hate looking at wigs online and guessing what they will look like on me. They never look the way they look in those pictures......I have tried website after website with those "wigs for your face shape" and I get different results on each site.......Anyways I ordered the ROP color ring. The colors are gorgeous but they look soooooo "shiny" to me. To me it just screams "Doll hair"...Yuck..... Do any people out there buy ROP, Noriko and Amore wigs? Do the actual wigs look as "Matel Toyish" looking as the rings? Please say they look beautiful the wigs...... I am getting so desperate and depressed about all of this. I have even called and left a message with the company Rene of Paris asking where the closest salon in the states is compared to where I live in Ottawa....I seriously will get on a jet and fly down there to try them on.......

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Hey! I really thought I would like ROP but the wig Jamie I got was awful..... I mean the fit..... It kept working it's way off of my head.....I still wish I could find an awesome wig. I would love a vacuum but I have a head of white stubble. It isn't completely bald and it grow pretty darn fast. I shave my head every few days but I am convinced the vacuum wig wouldn't fit good with the way my "useless" white fuzz grows.....
Thanks all for your replies...... I am awful. I am hardly on here. Heck I am hardly on the computer period!
Hi Lori-I am quite confused by this site so not sure how this thread is going on again now-or if you are still interested in ROP.These threads seem to jump all over the place.

I think the problem for me in Ottawa is that if you do find a wig shop-aside from business practices, there is the price-it hurts to pay SO much for synthetic wigs. The other weird thing is that I haven't even found ROP wigs to try on in Toronto-its like they don't have a very customer friendly distribution system. You certainly can't go to Carolyn's for a synthetic wig.

Its true that synthetic blonds are shiny, but hh blonds are hard to get your hands on and they are in the top price range.

I think most people in Ottawa belong to wigsupport.com-where a lot of members wear ROP so there is much discussion about colors, style etc. And many people posting pictures. You could learn a lot. Also buy from Kathy Tonkin in Connecticut-called Gallery of Wigs because she will ship it in such a way that you don't pay Can Customs-and will take returns.

Also-you have to learn how to customize the cap sometimes-some are too big and need tucks. then they don't slip

the wig boutique Edmonton,  been around for years., they do workshops at the cross cancer institute for people who need wigs.  so there must be something like this in all provinces. !   their wigs are beautiful !!!  I have been shopping there for about 30 yrs.  google it !



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