hi, i'm 23 years old now and i have had alopecia universalis since i was born. growing up with this disease wasn't really hard for me. i had plenty of friends and family that supported me and i was also a very outgoing person. involved in many different extra curriculars. well since i've graduated high school it seems like the real world is alot harder to deal with than just the kids at school. i just don't know what to do anymore. I'm afraid to go out without a hat, and even with a hat it doesn't hide the fact that i have no eyebrows, or eyelashes. I just feel like i am going crazy anymore. I've been having really deep depression and anxiety from it and I'm even having problems remembering things that happened like a day before because my mind is always thinking about how ugly i am. its seems like i am just lost in this world that wasn't made for me. i don't know what to do. i have a beautiful 2 year old son and the last thing i want is for me to go crazy and not be able to support him. the baldness on my head really doesn't bother me that much. its just the fact that my face is so plane without eyebrows/eyelashes. if i had those i think i would be fine. BUT I'M NOT!! shew i just really would love to see if anyone has been so depressed as i am and found a way to overcome it. does anyone have any permanent eyebrow solutions? that looks real?

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Sorry you are having a hard time with the no brow or eyelashes. This is what I do....on a daily basis I draw my brows on but for my cousins wedding my sister found hairy eyebrows for me. The company is called nuBrow! They are applied with a glue. I have very sensitive skin and the glue did not bother me. They are very reusable so the price of around $40 isn't so bad and they come in tons of colors. I liked them a lot but personally I wouldn't be able to wear them every day but you may like too. As far as the eyelashes, mine come and go so when I don't have any I wear eyeliner. I know for me being a women that is easy but you may not be comfortable wearing it but if you got it in light brown I bet it would make your face not look so plan. Believe me I know what it's like to look in the mirror and see what you see. Also you can get very natural fake eyelashes. I bought a pair at Target for under $10 I don't wear them every day but these are just some ideas. Hope it helps. Chin up my friend you are not alone!



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