I was just wondering why CAP'S has nothing canada,I have a 2 year old who just got diagnose 14 weeks ago and now he is 70% hair gone...so I am new at this...I would love some Canada support

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CAP will send you information or refer you to a Canadian support group providing they are aware of it. NAAF is also another great resource. There are a few support groups in Canada although not for children specifically. I don't know where you are so it's kind of hard to know which group to refer you to, if there is one in your area. I run a support group in Guelph, Ontario and will be hosting a camp for Canadians with alopecia this summer. If you look in the resouces tab at the top of the page here and click on events you can look for Canadian Alopecia Camp for more details. I can also try to hook you up with a group in Canada if you let me know where you're at. If you have any specific questions, I would also be happy to answer them for you. In the meantime, breath easy, he should be perfectly healthy so just keep living life as usual and let him know how special he is to you every chance you get! :)
Thank you for your response..We live in Winnipeg Manitoba.I would love to learn more about this camp,and see if we can afford to make a trip there. We just had a baby 3 months ago so being on mat leave money is a little tight but I am so wanting him go be a part of somthing with othe kids with AA..I am so glad I have found this site it has been SO helpful meeting and chating with great loving people.
Hi Christine
I looked at my listings for NAAF support groups in Manitoba and there aren't any unfortunately. I will give you my email address and you can send me an email to remind me you might like to come to camp. I may be able to assist with finances if needed. At 2 years old you will likely find that he's happy with his surrounding and will not care much for his appearance. It's not until his school years that he might start to worry that he looks different but it would be helpful nonetheless to make connections with other people that are dealing with the same thing. My email addy is carojo@rogers.com
Take care.
Thank you so very much..I will email you to let you know..That is so nice of you to offer to help but I am sure that if I really save I can get the money together,but wow you are an amazing person to offer that to me without even knowing me! I think your right about his age,he does seem not even notice right now so maybe next year would be a better plan but you never know. It somthing that I will really think about and give you a reminder.Hope you have a great day.talk soon
We've got a brand new foundation just starting up here in Canada - the Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation (CANAAF). It is being started by people who have been involved with NAAF who saw the need for our own national foundation. I know they are still working on the website, but you can get more information by emailing canaaf@gmail.com
This is fantastic We are from Alberta and have not found a thing, so I will def. be looking forward to the CANAAF website.
Your son is absolutely adorable. My son is 7 with extensive AA that has not responded to any treatment as of yet. He has adjusted remarkably well and has no issues. Boys tend to have an easier time I am told. My son shaves his head and gets to wears hats to school. Kids are so accepting, it's us moms that have more trouble with it. I live in Vancouver but have not found any appropriate support groups here either. Online is best. Your son will be just fine, esp with such a cute little face like that!



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