HI I have had alopecia for about 4 weeks now and what started as small round patches and joining together to mark large noticable bald patches. I need advice on how I can cover them up as I am starting to get comments and strange looks?

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Wig, scarf, hat....because magic markers coloring the spots will not add volume!

Try Couvre and Toppik - couvre is like a scalp makeup - you order the color that is closest to your hair and color you scalp in . Toppik is a fiber that you sprinkle on your hair and it plumps up the size of the hair shaft - I advise if possible to do this outside as the fine fibers go EVERYWHERE! Then you 'seal' them in with hairspray. I used both in combo until my hair loss became too much to cover this way.

Where are your bald patches mainly showing? U csn get a partial hairpiece n blend in with your hair n it will look more natural that way  or u can play with the part or clips i would always wear my haur half up in a clip and the stuff she suggested for covering bald spits help tremendously if u match right shade n brush it out a little 

Wigs, scarves, hats definitely help. One type of wig that might work is a topper, but that would depend on how much bio hair that you have for it to attach. They just go over your bio hair, and some people have had good experiences with them. Here is an example:



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