Did anyone see this show last night? A quote from Julia Louis Dreyfus' character (the Vice President of the US) "The kids had alopecia and the mothers were on crack. It was a freakshow!"

We need to write HBO to tell them that alopecia has NOTHING to do with substance abuse and that we are not "freak shows".


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I'd say...maybe they can apologize with hmmm $20,000 for their rude comments, and for our "emotional distress", towards our cure fund....

or create a sitcom about a community of Alopecians starring.....Us?

Scathing email sent. Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll write, too.

As one person commented, I haven't seen the show but if her character is supposed to be really shallow, this fits. Still, it's such a negative thing. NAAF SHOULD do something.

I agree it has more to do with this Veep character (which is ostensibly a scathing, thinly-veiled libral jab at Sarah Palin, although I must admit the show didn't look interesting enough for me to watch) than it does with OUR character. Should blacks, or gays, or wiccans (insert minority group here) protest every time there is a racist, homophobic or close-minded comment made to illustrate a character's vapidness on a comedy tv show!

When it targets children, yes.

I have to disagree with you, and agree with Dominique.
No-one has a right to "not be offended by anything".
It's a dark path we track down if we start taking umbrage and censoring anything which offends us personally (no matter how offensive or not or how personal and unique the item to which one may take offence).
Also, let's remember this was not an opinion piece but the words from a character in a drama.
Having said that, as a new Dad I can see how tough it would be to watch my kid taking hits over Alopecia (if he had it). Still doesn't make censuring drama writers the way forwward though.

You're right, except it was the words of a character in a comedy, not a drama. Should be taken even less seriously.

True, Liz, but often what gets laughs is no longer taken as seriously as perhaps it should. And I also agree that when the "joke" targets children, the line has been crossed. As a Christian I am used to being excoriated in the entertainment media and I do NOT want to give what I get. But when CHILDREN are at least part of the target...nope!!! Not going to be quiet about it!

Cancer gets joked about all the time.

Really - all the time - what have you been watching? And I dare say I have never watched a show where a childs cancer has been joked about. Fat is not a disease, being a Ginger - not a disease, Alopecia - is a disease - just like cancer. Frankly I am not a fan of making fun of someones looks or there or is it their (haha) mental defects - how about we make fun of kids who have tried suicide? Maybe kids who score low on their IQ tests? How about those with MD. Gee I am cracking myself up just thinking about how funny all of these are. NOT. (oh btw I dont spell check or grammer check - I just write what I think and most people can figure it out just fine - if you can't oh well - no loss)

Why do you defend your spelling in every post? I never said anything about that. You must have been beat with a dictionary as a child. I'm sorry the world is so cruel.

I'll give one example of a show that's joked about childhood cancer: Children's Hospital. Although I wouldn't recommend you watch it. As far as I know, they don't make fun of Alopecia, but you seem like the type to be offended by quite a few things.



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