I'm not sure if this is place to be posting this, but I don't know where else to post it. If this is the wrong place, I very much apologize! :(

I've had AA for over a year now.
It's been very scary for me, but for the last year I've been okay. I barely noticed it at first and it never bugged me.
Then in July, when I went to visit my grandparents I became very self conscious. Always going to the mirror and checking if it had gotten worse.
Every single day. More then five times a day. I know it's bad for my hair, but I had no idea what else to do.

Since I got back, I've been noticing more and more that whenever I go to wash my hair that There are more then 10+ stands after I rinse through it (yes, I counted. that's how paranoid and afraid I am) In the shower, I notice more than 30+ hairs come out after I shower and condition my hair. And clumps in the drain.

But I haven't been able to find any new patches on my head. I'm not sure if it's just that the spot where I'm already losing hair is getting worse, or my hair is thinning.
I notice that if I rub my eyebrows sometimes that they come out very easily as well. I'm very scared, and not sure what to do.

How do you know if your AA is developing into something worse? I'm such a nervous wreck.

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you should have someone close to you check your head, becuase your not able to see your whole head.

and you should be scared, loosing hair is the least of the problems. its not that bad, i would now, i am bald, only lost everything about a month ago. dont think of it as anything bad, if you want to talk, just message me
Hi Bethany,
Its so nice to read your post and know that Im not the only one out there worried. I am in the excatly same place as you right now.
I know how horrible it is not knowing.
dont worry bout it kiddo thats life iv had it on and of for around 20 years im 24 people dont like you for who you are thay can go jump
hi my hair loss started in september of last year by march i had very little left , so i shaved rest off feel better and look better hope alopecia worl helps you, ive found it to be a marvell for me x karen
Hi, Girl! I totally understand! I also count hair - in the shower, on the pillow in the morning, on the brush, when it was long - used to check out the floor and pick it up. I go to the mirror and look at the spots and count them often... Yes, it is not normal but with this condition I do not think it is something we should never do. It is ok to be scared and worried under one condition - it shpold lead to action. Go see a doctor - I suggest a few different ones, they tend to have diffrent opinions, educate yourself, do as much as you can. It all might not be that bad at the end. Believe and pray - I have been doing for a long time and it helps and many ways!



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