  • 32, Female
  • Levittown, NY
  • United States
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  • Frank Pratt
  • Diane
  • iamsuperyasz
  • Lauren Simpson
  • Lalo Guerrero
  • JET
  • Kaitrin
  • Irene
  • Kimberly
  • Erika Vincent
  • Donna DeHoog
  • laura ryan
  • Carlotta Sezzi
  • Ann Laurie
  • Katie

alyssa's Discussions

Any new treatments?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bean Aug 5, 2015. 4 Replies

eyelash injections

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sean Mandoza Feb 28, 2019. 2 Replies

tattooing eyebrows- hurt???

Started this discussion. Last reply by C V Jul 23, 2011. 20 Replies

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We can't control everything. Hair was put on our head to remind us of that.

Profile Information

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
heyyy, my name is alyssa.
i am nineteen years old.
i live in new york.
i attend Penn State University.
I love to dance, dancing almost all my life
i would also like to become a photographer after college

i have had alopecia almost my whole life, when i was in pre-school my mom would send me to school in little hats so no one would ever see my bald spots. soon enough it went away and everyone loved my hair, i had long brown curly hair. when i was in the 6st grade i lost my eyebrows, everyone use to make fun of me, i got very upset because my parents never got int details about me having this, i thought that there was something wrong with me. as the years went on i tried looking up things online to learn on what Alopecia is. around march of '09, i got a big bald spot right on my hair line. the hair never grew back, but the spots got bigger. i now have no hair. i go threw moments in which i hate it, madd that i have this but soon enough, i think of many others who i have met and they are happy with themselves.
This isn't the worst thing that can happen.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Alyssa's Blog

Cheap wigs

Posted on September 10, 2009 at 6:18pm 5 Comments

hey, i want to know if anyone can help me get cheap wigs. i got one that was about $400 and i dont think it was worth it. i feel like if i only wear that, that it'll go bad real quick. so i just want to find cheap ones so i can beat on it.

just a little help please

Wig hair falls out

Posted on August 26, 2009 at 5:46pm 9 Comments

i brought my first lace wig for about $400 and a wig store in the mall. when i comb the wig the hair falls out, someone told me this isn't suppose to happen... is this true??

Compare alopecia to an accessory

Posted on August 26, 2009 at 4:24pm 3 Comments

i saw alopecia like the worst thing in the world and now i just view it as if its an accessory like jewelry, some people have gorgeous jewelry, some people have really ugly jewelry and some people don't have any at all. and when i wanna fit in and wear my jewelry i go to my room and put it on.

a positive approach to alopecia

nose hair

Posted on August 21, 2009 at 6:57pm 5 Comments

this question is so weird.

i don't have any hair in my nose and since i'm allergic to so many things, i'm always inhaling things.

does anyone else have this problem?

if so, what do you do about it?

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At 5:33pm on January 4, 2011, lorraine b. said…
the question is not rude, I don't want anyone to see me with out penciled on eyebrows and at least thick black eyeliner, i'm embarressed and feel like a freak. I couldn't imagine how my fiance could look at me after seeing me like that and ever be attracted to me or to go out in public and not be totaly embarressed to be with me. I know its a horrible way to think but i can't help it, its ingrained into my brain just as deep as everyother negative thought in my head that i can't get rid of. my alopicia is something that was NEVER talked about, even in my family, and still isn't talked about, I never even told my family that it went from AA to AU. I guess i never learned how to deal with any of it. How do you deal with it?
At 4:49pm on September 15, 2010, Sam Sam said…
Your profile pic you look beautiful!
At 4:26pm on July 30, 2010, Essence said…
oh okay . lol . i'm starting college too !! i start on the 30th of Aug. but my orientation week is the week before . i'm excited and nervous too , LOL , depending on the day <3

xxoxoo - Essence
At 7:05pm on March 26, 2010, Essence said…
hello (: how are you !?

xxoxoo -Essence .
At 10:44pm on December 2, 2009, JET said…
I just wanted to stop by and say Hello. Just giving some love from a Native New Yorker. Have a great week. God bless you.

At 10:53pm on October 6, 2009, Amy said…
Alyssa, what is the product you mentioned that keeps your eyebrows from rubbing off? Thanks!
At 3:22am on October 3, 2009, MiNAH said…
check out my photos, videos, & my daughter singing.
My daughter also does freelance photography..teaching herself.
Check out her web site.
under (GALLERY) look at on location, outdoors, & indoors
There is a young girl with Alopecia & her sister with long locks.
My grandkids with the curly hair & the baby..also my grandson.
She loves photography.
Also check out my sons new group.
At 5:21pm on September 13, 2009, Lizzie said…
Hey alyssa :) Im doing well today thanks :) How are you? Hope your having a sunny-er summer than we are, it's just rained everyday!! Darn England, typical really.
Take Care,
Liz x
At 11:48am on September 12, 2009, JUDITH said…
Alyssa check this website
At 9:27pm on September 11, 2009, Lee said…
His name is Isaac and he works at "Cyberparlor"
Hes sweet and great!


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