Hey guys,
I'm 19 years old, I've had Alopecia my whole life and i have been bald for a lil over 2 years. I never wear wigs or cover myself... I don't know, its a personal choice. I don't think i should hide who i am. But anyways, now i want to try treatments again. I have not done anything since i lost it, so i would like to know...
How are you getting treated??? I'm totally bald so i cant get the injections, nor do they even work for me anymore. but has anyone tried laser light treatments and medications?
if so please let me know.
thanks :)

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My daughter is bald and is doing a treatment from a doctor who has much success with growing hair back. She is starting to sprout some hair so I wouldn't say that once your are bald it doesn't respond to any treatment. There are a few people on this site that I have met and with a similar treatment, they grew their hair back. We have tried just about everything but this one is well worth it.

Good luck in finding something...if you want to know more information, please pm me.

Bekah, it's called DNCB and our doctor is Dr. Strick in Santa Monica, CA. He is also on the Scientific Advisory Board for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation. He is a great doctor and is the only doctor that we have come across that knows sooooo much about this disease, trust me, we have been to so many different doctors (I lost count) and he is the most knowledgeable of all!

Good for you to want to start treatment again.  I wouldn't give up.  Treatments work or don't work differently for different people.  I have AA, on and off. Get patches, have injections and laser therapy and it comes back but then something/anything triggers fall out again.

There is something that you might find will work for you, a girl just like you grew all her hair back - she posted it on this forum.  I tried the homeopathic treatment she suggested and it halted my shedding (I had TE aswell as AA).

Read this whole thread:


Also if you do decide to do this treatment which is no more then $50 in total then make sure you eat clean. 

This is the regimen I did:

-Lymphomyosot drops 2 times per week, 30 drops for 0.5L of water, drink all day long (sometimes all at once) - took until it was gone

-Galium Heel ( from the second week of taking  Lymphomyosot  - 30 drops for 0,5 liter water bottle – took until it was gone

- Graphites Cosmoplex S (1st month 5-7 drops under tongue 1/day(on an empty stomach), then 2 months 15-20 drops for 0,5 liter water bottle during the day)

a lot of people with autoimmune diseases report good results.  But - if you try the complex approach (anti inflammatory diet, good stress management, sleeping, cure any infection you may have) - your chances are much higher.  These medicines clear our the cells and intra cells area of any toxins, so just help your body to do it in all other possible ways.

Good luck :)



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