im 17 and this is the first time i lost all my hair on my head. i have always lost most of my eyebrows, so i am debating on getting on getting them tattooed, my mom would let me, but i would like to know how much tattoing would hurt. like i've been getting shots for about 6 years in my eyebrows so i want to know if it feels worse or about the same pain.

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Tattooing, like anything else involving needles can sting a bit (and they do fade over time, so there’s maintenance costs to think of also). I would say as you are still a juvenile, you should try, first stenciling in your brows, for a while (i.e., until about age 30 or so) which isn’t that different than most ladies with relatively normal browlines still do to enhance the existing browline. They come in different sizes and with practice, you’ll be able to create and maintain a browline like the stars of old Hollywood. Try a shade lighter than normal to start and work your way up to a dramatic darker brow (a good brow pencil such as Maybeline, is great for practicing free hand as well).

Good luck.
I have had both and I would say they hurt just as bad as the shots. It takes awhile to do the it hurts longer...but then its over for a couple years untill you get touch ups. Had the shots a couple wks ago...and they really hurt ; /
I think getting my eyebrows done was one of the best things I did. So I would say go for it and I do not think you are to young... Just make sure you go to someone that has the proper experience and ask to see pictures of their work.

Good Luck!
Hey just to let you know of another alternative- a while ago I got a pair of fake brows from headcovers unlimited that are like mini eyebrow wigs. You just glue them on and go. Mine usually stay on for a few days before I just peel them off and re-glue. It takes only a couple minutes, and they look (imo) better than tattooed brows because they are dimensional like real eyebrows. They look totally real. I don't think anyone would figure out that they weren't mine even an inch from my face. And they are less permanent (and painful) than getting them tattoo-ed.

They might not be the right solution for you, I just wanted to let you know an alternative I have found to tattooing.
What glue do you use to make them stay on so well?
Very belated reply to this, but in case someone sees this, I just use the glue recommended on the eyebrow product page. It's headcovers unlimited own brand of glue. It works fine.
i would love to do it, its easy, only do it once. but the problem is that if i wanna wear a different color wig, i cant change the color of my eyebrows, thats the only problem =(
you can always color over them with eyebrow pencil. I do that with mine because they are fading.
I have had my eyebrows tattooed several times, sadly never lasting more than a couple of weeks. And yes it does hurt but should last approx 1 year. You must get it done my a trained cosmetic artist as if you get a permanent tattoo I have seen cases of eyebrows growing back in different area to tattooed eyebrows leaving a very odd look. Worth an ask at hospital as tattoing is used for other medical reasons i.e nipple reconstruction & I found they were happy to use me as model for training purposes at no cost to me.
I had the regular tattoo's, too. Mine faded really bad and then the color ran - awful! Pain was the least of it with this mess and I went to a recommended tattoo artist. Now I've found a web site that has removable tattoo eyebrows and they are incredible! They look REAL and last for days. And they are cheap! Take a look

Hi Alyssa,
Firstly check with the tattooist if they are willing to do them on someone under 18, I couldn't find anyone who would so had to wait till I was 18.
Secondly have a pratice with different stencil shapes to make sure ur really happy with the shape.
As a young person the cosmetic tattooing lasts 12-18 months
Usually angel cream is applied to the area an hr before hand to reduce the pain but because its near the eye region and on a boney part of the face it is still quite painful, Ive had the shots too and I think they are about the same pain.
If you get them, make sure you religiously put sunscreen on them even in winter coz uv light really fades them.
My last suggestion would be to take ur ipod with you because the sound of the tattoo machine can be qute distressing (like a dentists drill) and listening to my fave music helped both block out the drill sound and calm me down.
Over all, I love my my eyebrows- they boosted my self esteem so much!!!
good luck!
Hey, I am 18 almost 19 and I had my brows tattooed when I was 17 because I am pretty sure that if it is for a medical condition it is perfectly legal. It does hurt butt not horribly. They give you a numbing cream and for the most part it just kind of feels like somebody is tapping your eyebrow with a pointy pencil (so more irritating than painful lol). I do have two "bad" spots where it does hurt no matter what and most people probably do but it isn't so bad and if you take an actual pain pill like hydrocodone or norco or something like that along with a benedryl about a half-hour before its even less painful. Just keep in mind that you don't want to take advil up to about a week before you go cause it will make you bleed like crazy. I would definitely do it now because penicling in is a major pain in the but and its nice to not have to worry about them. It should actually last longer than a year, the girl that I just got them done from about 3 weeks ago said that it should last at least 5 years possibly even 10 if you hold it well. What area do you live in? because if you live in Georgia I know a great girl that does an amazing job and really knows how to follow your bone structure so that when you raise your eyebrows or if you get any growth in they act like your real eyebrows would. The ipod suggestion above is also a really good one because it helps you zone out and relax. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.



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