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  • Hugh Mclellan
  • Antoinette Fernandez

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About Me:
Hobbies/Interests: Marriage (kcr) & Pontificating (so married to KeanuReeves &/and so Orthodox Catholic).
Clubs/Creed: Divine membership only / Elitist. - -No illegal social club associations (i.e., no Sorors no Frats,etc. - pun intended)
Other: Yes and NO... : Lifelong member of the (cuties over 30 network and the) ‘Black Folks Against Tanning Association.’ (on BlackPlanet.com)
DESCRIPTION: A place for naturally fairskinned Africans who don’t like tanning to vent…. Ex: I woke up with a yellow (or beige) tan or curly Afro, etc. -only I didn’t go to the spa…
Natural (Bio) Hair Type: Combination Hair Dry to Normal 1c3cd4atoz Very Soft/Thick/Med-Texture-Curlyish Head of Hair that is *ALL Naturale*
PREFERRED Natural (Hair) Length: PAST Waist-length OR Longer (police reports on file)...
Male-Female Pattern Baldness Trait/Gene: NO...
Follicular Scarring (and/or Traction, etc.): NO...
Natural (Bio) Skin: Type I/Fair ;FRECKLES; Dry to Normal- - -
Naturally occurring ACNE: NO
*Researching protocols for SELF MANAGEMENT of very ‘mild’ (medically/clasically aesthetic) auto-immuno disorder clusters [less than3% / three percent total dermus activity (face, body, scalp)] i.e., Areata, Hyperkaratosis, Vitiligo & Eczema (humectant-nutritive oils experiment-also see Goddess Hair & Skin Recipe Book) *
AND Working to include universal genotheraputic applications theory of the blood purification and oxidation techniques with cross applications of incorporating biodenticals for universal genotheraputic core medicinal applications of the rejuvenation and longevity theorems as interpreted by SELF. Note: Future titles may change accordingly.**
Other: Yes [Still Queen of the Waifs (with or without this funky tan)]
Work: My current health and wellness beauty books, ‘Goddess Hair & Skin Recipe Book’ ;and; ‘Emperor Hair & Skin Recipe Book’ are available at amazon.com and borders.com -Whoohoo!
**Academic Intervention Specialist (in the area of genius groups with diplomacy and scholarship issues)**
Employer: ABBA (aka GOD Almighty/HIM /The BIG Guy Upstairs)
Description: Go-Getter.
Formal Education: Lindblom Math & Science (HS) / UIllinois (Univ of Illinois): English Lit. (writing option) , AND Psychology (with Humanities minor), etc...
** All-State Scholar **
Other: Yes (tested out all levels before age 10)
Favorite Quotations:
--“Yes, forever”. (jj/r to kcr eons and eons ago before time)...


...&/and "They Call Me Mrs. Johnson-Reeves for A Reason-" -jj/r (il et moi...)

....followed closely by -"Does Wayne Brady have to slap a *_ho_ _ *???-" -WB (comedian)

Oh, &/and- "Have you seen the Matrix--" - LF (actor)
BFF's (4ever): Bill Gates (my favorite compuGuy), Pierce Bronson (my favorite double-o), Michelle Robinson (Obama), Prince Charles (of Windsor, et.al.)
I like: "Spiritually g/rounded vegetarian-centered" people with whom I can best relate, and children and the arts, classic films, vintage kung-fu flicks, live theatre (especially Keanu’s Othello -- love my sweetie pie (*wink, kiss*) and the generosity of 'givers' such as Oprah Winfrey, President Nelson Mandela and Bill Gates (the big 3 among charitable givers ).

I dream: Of continued world peace and theadvance of universal geno-therapeutic cures.

I hope: To be so the lifelong and eternal wife of 'one' (and mother to many).

He loves them, but I so :Hate: my freckles et/and -My freckles are NOT my best feature.
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At 11:10am on May 2, 2008, Jane said…
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words of welcome.
At 11:07pm on April 28, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Jane, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.



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