Use Your Difference!


Use Your Difference!

This is a group for those who want to use their difference to make a difference in the world. We may be different, but we are not alone!

Members: 235
Latest Activity: Aug 4, 2019

Discussion Forum

Redefining Beauty

Started by wendizzle. Last reply by Jana Mar 26, 2012. 1 Reply

I lead by bold example, dare I say brave?

Started by Laura Adams. Last reply by wendizzle Mar 26, 2012. 2 Replies

What are you doing to change the world?

Started by Laura Hudson. Last reply by LaurieA Jan 1, 2010. 22 Replies

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Comment by Tom on May 29, 2017 at 8:13pm
First of all I don't think there is any clear cut way to accepting our Alopecia. For me it was time and experience. I finally after many years of shame and a bad self attitude came to the decision that I was not less than anyone else just because I'm bald.
I have so much more compassion for other people with any struggle . I'm way less judgmental than I could be without the experiences I've had.
I've learned to keep my head up smile at people and be confident. It's amazing how much different people treat me now that Ive accepted myself for who I am. I think I have many good qualities. And people feel much more at ease talking about how to deal with their problems when they can see I've felt with mine and I'm OK with myself.
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on December 30, 2016 at 11:34am

Every day we go through experiences and find ways to make our lives with alopecia easier. Such knowledge is priceless to others who are living and coping with alopecia.

I recently wrote a blog about using your difference and I think this group can really do that for many who are suffering.

Please pay your acceptance forward.


Comment by Jessica Hoschouer on January 12, 2014 at 8:32pm

I read this quote the other day... "If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world." - Elaine S. Dalton

Comment by Deeann on October 16, 2013 at 2:49am

Hi there. I'm so excited to release my website I've had AU for the past 8 years, and AA for almost 30 before that. I've been working on a book for several years, and it's recently started to really take shape. I'm looking for 29 more stories from men, women and children from all over the world so we can all be fully represented. Please "like" my FB page Head-On, Stories of Alopecia to hear updates on how this project is coming together. I look forward to hearing from you, and to help tell your story.

Feel free to share the details of this message with others who have a story to tell. Thank you so much.

Comment by Tim Bowers on November 24, 2012 at 4:50pm

I have a new children's book that will be published in 2013. It has a small tie-in to alopecia. Until then, I've posted some of my artwork on cards and stamps for the holidays. These don't tie into the subject of alopecia but you might enjoy viewing them, anyway. You can see them, here:

We don't send as many cards as we used to...I kind'a miss getting and sending more Christmas cards. It's alwasy fun to check the mail and find a pile of season's greetings! Anyway, for anyone still thinking about cards...visit my site for some options. Have a very Merry Christmas...or Happy Holiday...or Season's Greetings...

Comment by Ms. E on September 18, 2012 at 2:53pm

I host an internet radio program which addresses issues related to foster care and would like to dedicate an episode to Alopecia.

Is there anyone here who experienced Alopecia as a child in foster care?

I'm also interested in interviewing those who developed Alopecia as adults, whether having experienced foster care or not.

I can be contacted at
Please feel free to share this with others!

Comment by JeffreySF on July 16, 2012 at 11:10pm

I'm intreated too. See you in DC!

Comment by Silk on July 16, 2012 at 3:24am

Hi Deeann, sounds like interesting project, i could be willing to to contribute into your work, just specify pls what type of respondents you are looking for, such as probably diagnosis, duration of the issue, age, level of adjustment, something else. as for myself, I did not get any diagnosis (but most likely it is AGA) and rather in the process of acceptance that at its final point

Comment by Deeann on July 13, 2012 at 6:39pm

Hi there. Just looking to see who might be interested in participating in the content of the book I'm writing. This particular group is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm looking for those who are interested in sharing their stories with regards to moving beyond diagnosis to acceptance, as well as how you got there. Contact me here on AW to get if interested. I'll be in DC next week if anyone is heading that direction. It's always better to talk in person if possible. Hope to hear from you.

Comment by Heather Curtis on June 1, 2012 at 3:11am


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