I am curious to see how many time you have all suffered alopecia and when it first started for you. Just interested in the different experience everyone has. I would love to hear your stories!
My story: I am currently 19 and have gone through two bouts of alopecia, one when I was 18 (and it fully grew back) and one at the moment.
I was told by my Mom that when I was two and she was hospitalized for a few weeks, when she returned home I had lost quarter sized round spots of hair all over my head. I never thought about it much, just figured it must have been from the trauma of being without my mother for so long. I never had another issue with it until ten years ago, after a surgery I had I developed AA, which since I have lost and regained over the past ten years, but now most of my hair is gone, and I only have some spots of regular hair left on my head. My loss of hair has been somewhat gradual, in the fact that I would lose and regrow, but each time I would lose it more would go and less would grow back. Hope that helps.
I lose my hair with every traumatic occasion for the last twenty years. It takes a lot of work to grow it back. Some parts are still thin, but I have most of my hair for now. Most any stress gets me. My eyebrows just fell out recently. I just woke up with bald spots in the brows.
My first time I was 2 and i lost it all but 3 hairs at the front...the pics are kinda cute, but apparently I stopped looking in the mirror after that. That first time it grew back pretty quick. The 2nd time I was around 6 and I lost patches in the front, it happened again a couple of yrs later but then grew back. Around 15 I started to lose a patch at the back of my head and slowly that patch got bigger over the next 2 years I lost all the hair on my head. By 20 I had lost my eyelashes and eyebrows and all my body hair. I have been without any hair for over 20 yrs and it's not terrible...It's kinda all in how you look at it. I'm not saying it doesn't SUCK, it does...especially when you are young. But, as you get some perspective and realize that THIS IS OUR JOURNEY and we just have to do the best we can with what we got.
Hi Laura, I'm french.
Je souffre d'alopécie universelle depuis 3 mois seulement mais c'est déjà trop long... J'ai 39 ans, plus aucun poil ni cheveu. Et je suis très en colère, je n'accepte pas ce changement. J'aurais préféré perdre ou bien mes cheveux ou bien mes poils (sourcils, cils, poils de nez, poils pubiens et tous les autres poils) mais pas tout à la fois. C'est inhumain. Je n'ai essayé aucun traitement car les médecins me m'ont laissé aucun espoir de tout retrouver. J'ai pris du fer et du zinc et j'ai exposé quotidiennement mon crâne nu au soleil, à l'abri des regards sur ma terrasse, jusqu'à la fin des beaux jours. C'est tout. J'ai perdu mes cheveux suite à un violent épisode d'urticaire généralisé soigné par des cachets de cortisone. Donc je ne pense pas que la cortisone pourrait me guérir puisque c'est après en avoir pris pendant 10 jours que la chute de mes cheveux a commencé. J'ai tout perdu en trois mois exactement, cheveux et poils.
Je ne crois pas que frictionner mon crâne avec une lotion ne marcherait non plus.
Je rêve qu'un ostéopathe ou à un acupuncteur fasse repousser tout cela par des massages savants ... Pour le moment je n'ai vu qu'un hypnothérapeute durant 3 séances puis un ostéopathe une fois, mais aucun des deux ne se sent capable de me soigner.
Vais-je devoir vivre 50 ans sans rien, comme un ver ?!
Douloureuse perspective...
Adélie... c'est assez difficile au commencement... je suis certaine... pour vous, c'est assez important essayer et voir qu'est-ce qui se passe avec qques remèdes... ma fille a alopécie areata... pas universelle... vous êtes en France? Il n'y a pas de solutions, seulement le temps qui passe... avec ma fille, ça change chaque qque mois... le chiropratre pense de changer la regime de nourriture... elle a une grande preference aux nourritures carbos... elle a une assez grande aversion aux fruits et legumes, mais je connais d'autres qui mangent tres bien... il n'y a pas de solution... soyez forte et continuez a ecrire et parler avec nous autres pour support (je m'excuse si mon français n'est pas parfait... je suis un peu fatiguée aussi) Bonne chance!
I've been experiencing alopecia since I was 7 years old, but only small spots , once at a time. During hard times it got more serious, like when I had to have a kidneys surgery. Finally, 3 years ago, I had the worst episode. I almost got bald. Even bought a wig, but it grew back again. Actually, I still have small spots, but I found out that taking one specific anti depressive, I can "control" it. I also use a lotion of minoxidil. It stimulates the hair to grow.
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