How much hair did you lose before trying to hide it? / wearing scarves/headwraps

I'm 19 and live in the UK, and have been dealing with alopecia areata for a few years, but mainly I had small patches fall out which always grew back. However, about 2 years ago I got another patch which never grew back. Just over a year ago I got glandular fever and I was very ill - I've never really recovered from it, because ever since then I'm tired all the time and have no energy. Ever since this illness my hair loss became progressively worse.

I'm lucky that I have almost waist-long hair, which I easily sweep over my shoulder to hide my hair loss, and the majority of the loss is on one side of my head. However, I'm becoming sick of having to hold my hair in public whenever there is wind or even a tiny breeze, and constantly worrying that someone can see my scalp. Right now I've probably lost around a third of my hair, which is why it's a miracle that no one can see it. I have no hair running along my right ear, which goes upwards towards my parting. I probably only have an inch of hair below my parting in one area. The whole bald area as around the size of my hand. It then stretches to a bald patch at the bottom of the back of my head, with a fairly sizable (and strange) area of regrowth. I'm now devestated to find a patch of hair loss on the other side of my head.

Although if I am still you can't see my hairloss, I'm pretty sure that with the wind/ moving my head/ if my hair becomes slightly greasy, people are going to start to see it. Do I cut it all off or keep it? At the moment I don't feel that I want to go down the wig route, as I'm extremely attatched to my real hair (it is a beautiful and extremely unique colour). I was thinking of cutting it shorter and wearing a scarf around my head, but I'm worried about how people will react.

The reason that I'm thinking about changing it now is because I start uni in a month and I'd rather people get to know me with a scarf, rather than know me with all this hair, and then find it strange that I'm wearing a scarf if it gets any worse.

Sorry for the long story! I'd like to hear suggestions of how much hair people lost before they started doing something about it, and maybe some suggestions off people who wear scarves/headwraps, on how they cut their hair and how people react.

Thank you in advance :)

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Thank you so much for your reply. It's great to find someone who understands how attatched I am to my hair. I don't have much confidence in the way I look, and my hair is the only thing that makes me feel pretty. People always comment ALL the time on how beautiful and long my hair is (which is so hard for me to hear, but of course people don't know that I'm losing it).

I'm not sure where you're from, but I'm guessing from the UK too from the way you spelt 'colour'! At the risk of sounding vain, the whole reason why I was thinking of wearing the scarf with no hair underneath, is because it's not really a usual thing to see people wearing scarves over their hair here, and so I might look a bit odd even then!

I am exactly the same in that I hate attracting attention. But that's pretty hard to avoid as I am just over 6ft tall. I thought I would be okay with the questions and comments of illness etc., but I'm not sure if I would find it hard to hear all of the time. I'm sort of stuck half way between feeling like I'm sick of hiding my alopecia and I want people to know, and feeling like I want to hide it, keep my hair as it is and hope people don't see, but still feeling insecure and people not knowing what a hard time I'm going through.

The whole reason why I'm not into the wig thing, is (appart from being attacted to my natural hair) that I feel I haven't lost enough hair, and that I am having some re-growth, and that I don't want to accept that I need one, as I'm kind of hoping I may be able to beat it.
Is it possible that people could think that you have a really cool punk hairdo? I've seen some artsy ladies with one or both sides of their head shaved on the sides and sometimes it looks very good. Just a thought!



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