Hey everyone! I've been wearing my piece for a few months now and have gotten used to styling/playing around with it ore or less but the one thing I did not expect nor know how to handle is how it frizzes up in the humidity. I used to have sleek and straight hair that would need no styling whatsoever and now my hair literally grows when I go outside. I've tried serums/oils and straightening it to get it as close to my original texture as possible and though I know this is NOT my original hair, I'm just trying to make it seem like "old me." My piece is human hair and quite pricey so I don't wanna ruin it. I've heard not to continually cake on product but also not to damage it by straightening it everyday. I'd appreciate any advice/tips/comments. Thanks so much!

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If it is pricy then it is probably made with good hair, not over processed hair. So that would mean that the tendency to frizz is because it is made with Indian Remy hair, not a bad scenario, but it is a kind of hair that is often affected by humidity.

Not too much you can do with hair that is originally the kind of hair that tends towards waving and frizzing when humidity. But if it is good quality hair, you needn't worry about using product, such as argan/moroccan oil that can make the hair a little more well behaved. I think using heat to make it smooth and sleek should be kept to a minimum-only when you really need to. If your wig "grows", and looks more thick, maybe get some more layers cut in, or maybe find some great decorative clips or head bands to hold it down a bit during the humid weather. Probably in the winter, when you are around dry indoor heat, it will be much easier to manage.


I would definately go back to where you bought your wig and have a discussion with them about what they feel will work best for the hair in your piece.

It's very important to understand what you are buying when you make decisions around your hair choice.

The first thing you really need to understand is what type of human hair is it?? Is it processed or unprocessed. What sor to curl preference did you choose for yourself?? If you wanted straightish hair and received hair with curls...well you need to aske your vendor why and how to look after it.

Hope this helps.


I also wear a pricey human hair piece, the hair on mine is not Indian remy, but European and my bio hair was also very straight and smooth, I asked about the somewhat of a wave my hair has and the tendency to have a bit more body than I was use to, they told me that the way they would describe it as straight with body. Mine is a short style I don't know if that makes a difference, but I have gotten better at the styling of it and instead of using a iron on it I have been using a very large round brush I spray it with a little "hair u wear" conditioner and with med heat blow it down and straight, I've had mine for a year and it still looks fantastic. When I wash it I put it on smooth it down and let it dry naturally I kind of comb it and smooth down with my hands every so often while it's drying. Which hair system do you have? Hope that helps.



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