If you are a rep for a certain company, then please be fair, and state that UPFRONT. Then give your opinion. To not do so is midleading. Most have us have had a lifetime of being mislead by wig sellers/reps/mfgs, etc - at least on this site give all of us a break and state that you may have a bias becuase you SELL the wigs you are recommending!

I am sure that you have a great deal of information to provide but again please 'play fair' and state your affiliations. I see some do this and I respect them so much for being up front.

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I'm so happy for you to pass my connections to Freedom along to everyone or anyone. As you know Lillybell and Rose I've done my very best to be upfront about my association from the moment I joined 4 years ago (approx).

I am very interested and connected to the alopecia community around the world. I pass on my opinions and my knowledge base in the hope to help. Information is vital for people and AW give people the opportunity to connect with someone like me if they have any questions or queries.

Just as a note...working for Freedom in New Zealand does not mean I can help anyone who needs a wig outside of New Zealand. I can only sell to New Zealanders...but in reality I don't believe a place like this is for selling. It is for passing on information to help people make informed decisions around their needs, whatever they may be, hats, scarves, wigs, no hair and gorgeous, or emotional support, or the latest on the development of a cure...whatever helps that person or family member, friend who has or is touched by alopecia.

I personally receive a heap of information and help from the alopecia community and especially AW. I have felt supported and have become knowledgeable about alopecia and what it means to people, this knowledge has and continues to help guide me with regards to my daughter and our Family. The input here for me is invaluable. It's a great place to be. :)

Catch you both soon.

Rosy :)



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