I cut it all off. I couldn't bear seeing it thinning up there on my scalp any longer. What was left was so dry and thin, that it was like watching something die. Anyway, I took the scissors to it, and lopped the whole thing off. It was bad, because you could already see the bare spots on my scalp, and the dry grey hair. Anyway, I'm wearing wigs, now, so you can't really see what I did, but I just couldn't put up with it, any more. What's so SAD is that IT USED TO BE SO BEAUTIFUL and now it was like a dried withered up plant that is dead...Anyway, that's what I did, just now, and I hope I did the right thing...

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Sorry to hear you had to go through that Nads :( I went through that almost 7 years ago, so traumatic...At least now you are free of seeing it fall out day in and day out. You are still beautiful without hair, remember that!!! I used to have long, thick beautiful hair myself, but it's gone now and this is who I am. Smile okay!!! :) Also remember that it could of been something worse...At least we are still healthy and strong!!

Well, I just couldn't STAND BY and SEE IT ALL FALL OUT and my scalp being more and more visible each day, and then my HAIR BEING DRY AND GREY like it was, and I decided to get rid of it all, because it was LESS STRESSFUL this way, and I have my wigs,and it's like you said----I'm still ME---nothing has changed. It's like if I WENT INTO THE HOSPITAL TO REMOVE TONSILS or something. Honestly, I DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT IT AT ALL. I can just WASH MY SCALP AND AIR IT OUT and not have to WORRY ABOUT HOW BAD my hair looks! I am SO GLAD I FOUND THIS SITE. I don't FEEL SO ALONE, ANYMORE with all this. Yeah, you're RIGHT----IT COULD'VE VERY WELL HAVE BEEN SOMETHING WORSE!

I'm happy to hear you are dealing with it pretty good. The last 2 years have been an improvement for me, but the last few months have been a huge improvement with finding the support I need to move forward. I'm planning on eventually not wearing my hat at all, taking one step at a time. So far started driving without my hat and I put my laundry on the clothes line without my hat. Feels soooo good to have fresh air on my head rather than sweating in my hat. I also love getting my scalp massaged, that feels so good, hehe!!

yeah it DOES. when I was bathing, awhile ago, that WATER FELT SO GOOD ON MY SCALP and I just kept RUBBING IT AND RUBBING IT AND IT FELT GOOD! And last night, I slept really good for the FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME. I felt the PILLOW CASE against my scalp and it was SOOTHING. I should've done this MONTHS BEFORE!

So happy to hear it!! Enjoy it because most women don't know what they are missing!!

Well, THIS WAS THE FIRST time in a LONG TIME that I've enjoyed washing my 'hair'. i MEAN, my SCALP FELT GOOD, and it felt like I HAD AN ITCH that I COULD FINALLY SCRATCH! I don't know WHY MORE WOMEN don't DO THIS----it feels GOOD! And for the first time in a long time, I've actually enjoyed my day. I feel like I have a LOAD OFF of my chest.

I did it years ago, and it was so much less stressful for me.  I'm glad it is working for you.



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