My husband (a man I've been with for over 4 years) and I were getting ready for his son's school concert. We crossed bathroom paths-him shaving and me doing make-up. I started penciling my eye brows and he was like, "don't go crazy, looking like an old lady, it's not like you have no eyebrows." I just smiled and said, "babe, look reeaaaalll close!" He said, "oh, you have NO eyebrows... carry on...."

Funny moment of the night, and a nice reminder that people who care, kind of block out the stuff we spend our whole life worrying about!


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That is one of the nicest stories I've ever heard.

:) thank you!

In 2006, I had my brows tattooed. It was a very expensive venture, and after discount cost me $320. For some reason, my skin did not keep the color very well, and they were tatted 5 times. In 2008, they were faded so bad, I had them redone. It's great not to worry of being somewhere, with half a brow, cause the pencil wore off. Worth it's weight in gold, I sit, brows faded so bad, I am back to pencilling. I plan on having it done again, however, with normal ink. I was cruzing the net, and learned some cosmetic tattoo inks are semi-permanent. Needless I say I also had my eyeliner done, most painful tat ever, and looking at me, you'd never know. I have purchased a brow guide, template off ebay, which will help to redo this without one high, one low quizicle look :) Blessings to you, and your post, made me smile.

Wow!! Sounds sooo painful!!! Thank you for sharing that....I actually thought about tattoos, I am going to rethink that!!

They have real human hair peel-and-stick eyebrows, but I'm so scared they would fall off!! Let me know how the stencils are!

Blessings to you too! Glad it made you smile :)

No offense but my stomach is in knots thinking of that pain!! Omg! Eyeliner tattoo ahhhh yikes!!! I have tattoos but that just is too much for me!!! Why is it taking so many times to tattoo eyebrows? Why doesn't it work the first time? I have looked into it...very curious...

A great lesson of life!...very greatfull,...tks for share with us!

Just trying to catch a smile in all our lives! Thanks for reading and responding!

I found the brows was nothing as far as pain is considered. The liner....that is another story! LOL And I believe the ink doesn't stay because some use semi-permanent, and don't tell you this. I have a big tattoo at the back of my head, it has bright colors in it, and has just as much color 9 yrs now. Makes me really wonder why they don't use regular ink. I'm really glad the back tattoo doesn't need retouching as the artist is no longer available, and I'd hate to take away from his beautiful artistic job.

Thanks! Im still shaky about the tattoo idea!

Erica, that is one of the nicest things I ever heard- thanks for sharing:) You are definitely one of the luckiest people I know!



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