Can someone please help me ???? My hair loss is getting to the point where Im going to have to just shave my really thin hair off and wear a wig, but Im soooo terrified of the severe depression that will follow ! I need all the advise I can get on the perfect wig to buy. I have been reading on the vacuum wigs. Anyone have one ? Im scared to death the make the mistake and buy the wrong one or a poorly made one. Thank you for any help y'all can give me !

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Reply to Lexi-somehow your last posting got placed out-of-sync.

About vacuum wigs-they stay on very firmly and without budging because the cap is smooth thin skin material, that fits so tightly that it creates a vacuum seal effect. So to get it off you have to pop the vacuum seal first. In the same way, hair, even a short growth layer, will keep the cap from creating a vaccum seal.

If you want a thin skin without a vacuum seal, you could get a wig with thin skin around the edge and use some tape for adhesion. Most people find that tape will work on very short hair, or on a couple of spots that have had the hair shaved off.
OK, thanks...don't want or need a vacuum seal, but the thin skin sounds like what I want...I just want something..totally flat on my head, low density, that looks like my own baby fine silky straight type of hair...of course, wanting it to look like my own type of hair when I had all of it !!!
This is to Reply to Lexi as well.

Hi Lexi

It is very important to either shave your head or have no hair when wearing a (soft silicone) vacuum hairpiece. They are a very precise piece of equipment. Most Independent Agents in the USA use medical scanners to ensure the fit is the best possible for the people they help. If you have a lot of hair underneath the cap it will compromise the fit. Security is one of the pluses you get with a vacuum prosthesis - there are no worries of it coming off when you don't expect or want it to. It gives you a lot of freedom to live your life as you may want to.

If you feel very uncomfortable taking away your hair you may like to talk to one of the IA's and discuss the possibility of a fibreglass cap - as with this type of cap you can have a little regrowth under it. Ring your IA and discuss this option as it does have some downsides and you really should be fully informed before you make a decision.

If I can be of any help just pop into my page and leave me a message. I am fully trained with regards to Freedom vacuum hairpieces and the three cap choices available with this company.

Good luck with your investigations.

Rosy, Thanks...but all three cap choices I assume are vacuum type, right???
Yes. :)

Hi again Lexi. I understand your wish for a cap that is flat against your scalp.

I can suggest some internet sites where you can see pictures of versions of thin skin around the edges. Please understand I am not recommending any vendor because I don't know much about these vendors. But I have found being able to look at pictures is helpful.

One vendor is Max Gayer-he has pictures on his site-it shows a cap that also has a kind of stretch panel in the middle-that is to try to accomodate a smaller or larger head, since these caps are not customed ordered (I believe he uses Indian hair, not European). Here is a link (you need to click on the hair replacement)

Another company is Gemtress/Onrite-they have a cap called Tourmaline that has the thin skin around the perimeter. I think they use Asian hair. Here is a link

There are a lot of companies that make such a cap-I think most do custom orders and many of them are also the companies that make lace wigs but have added making caps with thin skin perimeter as another choice-not sure if many of them have pictures.
Hi Sheryl,
I would like to introduce myself, my name is Donna Schillaci, I am an Agent for Freedom Wigs NZ for the vacuum hair pieces. I would be delighted to dicuss the hair pieces with you. You can view my web site at
I am out of town until Friday, if you would like to talk with me before then, call my cell phone 503-819-8953

I look forward to hearing back from you,
Have a good day!

I have a Peggy Knight vacuum piece and I love it. Peggy Knight also has the gripper out. Which is so great in the summer because your head can breathe. I am a spokesperson for an auto manufacturer so it is important for my hair to look great. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. I have looked the planet over for something great looking and comfortable. I can give you all the info you need.



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