For the past month i have been putting urine on my head at least once a day. I know it sounds so gross but if it is going to bring back my hair then i do not care what anyone thinks. Since then my white hairs have turned black and it seems to be coming back. Its the best progress i have had in the whole three years i have had AT.

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thanx heaps well what I do is p into a bottle and then rub it on my head in the shower then wash it off and clean my head, its that simple you don't have to walk around with it on allday. tell me what happens for you. :)
omg. I put it in a cup and my little guy was headed to drink in when I walked in the bathroom lol guess a bottle is a must now...
how long do you leave it on? just a few min. I wasn't sure if I should put it on at night and wrap my head and sleep with it on?
omg thanx for giving feedback! yeah the lady that suggested it to me said to wear it at nite and wrap something on it, but i dont have the patience to do it. i only leave it on for a few minutes. its really working i am getting more and more black sprouts every week. please let me know how you do.
hey! thats great!!!! thanx so much! my hair is growing more and more on the top its actually starting get outta control! however it isnt really growing on the sides i dont know what that means. i would love to hear more.
It's great that this is working. Maybe you need to try leaving it on at night and then the sides will start growing. I now a lady that ownes a Health Food Store and she drinks her urine - don't think I could ever go there - but rubbing it on my head - yeah I could try that if it works. Why Not - can't be any worse than all those chemicals I have put on my scalp in the past.
Keep us posted.
that is so true! no i dont think i could drink my urine either. thanx for commenting and let me know how it works for you.
I might give it a try as well! I have heard of people using urine for health reasons, so you are not crazy at all. You are actually brave and you might be helping a lot of people if it works. You should post some pictures of your head as your hair grows in.:)
Hilary, Regarding your hair not growing back on the sides, do you have Ophiasis? All my round spots grew back in (though I have a new one) but the rim from ear around my nape to ear isn't budging and I understand that this type of Alopecia generally does not reverse.
I am fascinated by your treatment and will definitely follow your progress. Good luck!
Hi Stephanie what is Ophiasis? thanks for you comment and i would really like to know what ophiasis is. x x x
Wow thank you for sharing! How did you come up with the idea, i.e. where did you read/hear about the benefits of urine as skin treatment? Definitely interesting. I´ll follow your progress! Good luck! :)
All the best/Mattias
hey, a lady in church told me to do it. and then i later heard that urine is good for other reasons so yeah, its working! i actually shaved all the hair that grew back due to using urine so it will all grow at the same time. I only really have hair on the top of my hair but thats okay because before i got told about the urine i had hardly anything on my head and they were all white.
awwww thats so great! it is very rewarding to know that it is working on other people too and now i feel good that i put this out there because if you read some of the earlier comments people weren't very nice about the whole urine thing but that's okay they can be bald haha. nah sorry that sounded mean but yeah.but yeah keep me informed :) xxx



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