I am still losing my hair by the handfuls and it has become drier and breaks with every touch. I can see scalp now where I couldn't ever before. My hair looks so bad because it needs to be colored and there's no way it could survive it. Because of my terrible headaches and eye pain I went to the opthamologist and found out yesterday that the ankylosing spondylitis is now effecting my eyes and that they are full of inflammation just like my body. I believe that is what is going on in my scalp as well-the burning, then the hair just falls. I know this is an autoimmune attack but I what I don't understand is why NOTHING helps. I have changed my diet, taking fish oil, my thyroid meds, and now an anti-inflammatory. BUT nothing is helping...I just keep getting worse. I just want it to all go or stay one..I hate the limbo. It doesn't look like it is growing back anywhere anymore either....I have talked to many people with A.S. and NOT one of them has hairloss..so I am baffled. According to the 200 derms I don't have alopecia areata and according to others A.S. doesn't cause hairloss...I am just so confused and exhausted...and I do FEEL very alone. I don't think I have ever talked to anyone on here either that has A.S...