Inspirational Words from Michael J. Fox about his Parkinson's that can help us, too!

I heard Michael J. Fox speak a year ago. It was when I was just losing my hair and very depressed and angry. I came away from his talk feeling inspired and uplifted. When I saw him speak, he couldn't stand or sit still, and was constantly fighting his body's involuntary movements. The new TIME magazine (April 27, 2009 issue) has "10 Questions" with him. I'd like to share a few of the questions. Every time it says "Parkinson's disease", substitute "Alopecia":

Q: How do you keep your optimism in the face of difficult circumstances?
A: I think it's mostly about acceptance. I have no choice about whether or not I have Parkinson's. I have nothing but choices about how I react to it. In those choices, there's freedom to do a lot of things in areas I otherwise wouldn't have found myself in.

Q: Have you ever felt cheated by having Parkinson's disease?
A: No, absolutely not. It's been a detour that I wouldn't have planned, but it's really led me to amazing places....(he goes on to describe making a difference in people's lives through advocacy)

Q: Have you ever found yourself embarrassed by your disease?
A: Yes, early on, certainly. Now I feel and I say all the time that vanity is, like, long gone. I'm really free of worrying about what I look like, because it's out of my shaky hands. I don't control it. So why would I waste a second of my life worrying about it?

Now re-read, especially the last one. I think I'll go out and buy his two memoirs. The newest one is called "Always Looking Up".

All I have is alopecia.

Does this speak to anyone the way it does to me?

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It certainly speaks volumes to me. I have to say that since finding this site I've seen so many inspirational stories - it has really helped me to see that my life isn't all that bad. I'm not ill, I have alopecia and, as Michael says, I can't control that and life's too short.
Thanks for this....

Isn't that a fab attitude.

Thanks for posting.

I have always told my children what a fragile vessel our souls live in. To treat it gently and always know that it may let you down. That is why good health to me is my wealth. Yes, I am very inspired by Michael J. Fox. My alopecia is beyond my control and like him I have found myself embarrassed by it which took me by surprise because I am not an externally minded person. I am fascinated by everyone's thoughts, feelings and motivations. But I only let myself have these feelings for a short time so as not to let it become part of my character(defining me). This is hard to do sometimes but I just immediately focus on something else and snap right out of it. Thanks for your discussion Mary!
Not feeling "cheated" but rather a "detour"....I keep re-reading the second question/answer.
l will make it a point to pick up his book.
Thank you
Thank you...I'm glad this resonated for others here the way it did for me.
Just finished reading "Always Looking Up" by Michael J. Fox. It was an
inspirational book for me.
In the chapter titled Faith he describes his marraige to a Jewish girl and
raising his children Jewish. Then he describes visiting a Evangelist in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
He recognizes a higher power........

"I believe there is a higher power in this universe, and I know for a fact that it is not me".

I laughed out when I read that LOLOL .......continuing on "higher power" he says,

"For my purposes, I need neither define it nor have others define it for me, only accept
its existence".

Many people in his situation become so religious and sort preacher like. I personally was
baptized Roman Catholic at birth, went Catholic schools so thats the port I go to during

In the chapter WORK, he says, "I relied upon an intuitive ability to find the humor in almost
any situation. There's always a "funny part." Some of the comic remarks he makes throughout
the book concerning his Parkinson do make me laugh. It took me years to see any humor in
alopecia and in the course of my life there have only been about 3 people who could make me
laugh about it. Understand, I have read many many funny stories on this website and other
sources that crack me up. But after I turn off the computer and walk away there is no one
currently in my life that would dare make a joke about alopecia to me. ;)

The chapters on Politics and Family were very interesting and I found myself thinking "I know
that feeling....or I did that....I do kid did that......."

Oh, that brought tears to my eyes. My hair loss has changed me. I'd like to think it wouldn't, but I guess all things in our lives work to make us who we become. I've become less vain too. My hair loss makes me feel like I've aged, and I've come face to face with what I always knew - that our good looks are transient in the long run. So I've focused more on the things that matter long-term, which for me is my relationship with God, and the raising of my children. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have nice pretty hair, but I guess a part of me has started to let go of appearance's power to define me. I'm aware that there will be more than one person talking behind my back when I start wearing a wig with "Is she wearing a wig? Why is she wearing a wig? It looks so fake. Does she have cancer? "etc. etc. It seems no matter what I decide, I may stick out in one way or another, either from obvious hair loss or an obvious wig (unless I can finally find a wig that works for me - still looking.... :)

Michael J. Fox is an inspiration for me too. I plan on reading his book. His courage,strength, and peace are inspiring. I'm planning on holding my head high through whatever decision I make regarding my hair loss...
Thank you, Galvin! I've been meaning to get his book, and just haven't yet. Hearing him speak, during which time he was visibly unable to control the involuntary movements of Parkinson's, was amazing. I'm going to the book store tomorrow.



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