For the past few months I've been going back and forth with my insurance company. I had found out that they will reimburse you for one wig a year. I put my claim in, got a letter from the doctor, everything they asked for. A few months went by, nothing. I called them and no one seemed to even know that the claim existed, I had to completely restart but I was able to work through email with one consistent person. Since then, I submit a claim, hear nothing for a while, inquire about the status, then finally I'm told I didn't provide enough info. I send in more info and the same exact thing happens again. It's been just about a month since my last claim and I'm scared now to even ask about it because it's been the same circle every time. I just emailed my state's general attorney, not sure if that's where I should start?? Does anybody have advice????

BTW, I'm in Connecticut, USA and my insurance is "Anthem Blue Shield Blue Cross"

-Thank you

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You could also contact your Insurance Commissioner's office and see if they can offer any assistance. I also have BCBS and was told they treat a wig as a prosthetic and would only give $500 towards the price. I know all insurance plans are different even if they're the same company. I know it's frustrating to deal with and it feels like an endless loop. Don't stress yourself out and don't give up -- if you do then they win!



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