As I’ve stated before in former threads I think I may have alopecia BC my hair is coming out ,like just running my hand through my hair can take out a small fuzz ball ( I wear an afro) …but I’m still wondering if its alopecia tho, for one I do suffer from really bad chronic nightmares type anxiety….but idk if anxiety alone can cause such drastic thinning…

But on to the Main point, my hair texture changing. It seems like its changing…bc when i look at my afro, like when I go to pick I out and what not…i can see stringy ,straight ends…i dont straighten my hair and haven’t for a very long time…so I’m wondering if the straight wispy ends are common with alopecia… Or anxiety…

Anywho, thanks for your answer :)

Hair pattern might be changing…..:|

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First thing is to go see your doctor and have some blood work done to see if your thyroid is off a bit or hormone issue. If not then go to a dermatologist and look at your scalp.  I did see a change in my daughters hair as she was developing alopecia. It seemed thinner to me for some reason. I know many thing that stress can trigger Alopecia and that may be true but no one really knows. Are you losing hair anywhere else on your body? I ask that because I know that if you start to lose it on your legs and arms you could be leaning to Alopecia universalis. Let me know if I can be any further help to you. Lisa



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