I have seen so many posts that closely relate true acceptance of Alopecia with going bald in public. That seems biased and unfair. I wear wigs, and I love them. I have totally and completely accepted my Alopecia, and I am not waiting or working to become strong enough to liberate myself and go bald.

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No, It is not... I will never go completely bald and I do not feel a reason to. I have about 70% of my hair and I am fine with wearing extensions...Confidence should not be defined by any form of physical appearance and in my opinion that includes hair (or lack of). I agree with you and refuse to believe otherwise:)

I loved this reply! You are so right! Confidence should not be determined on looks. I don't think men feel that way about themselves but I sure do. When I look fab, I feel fab. My own hair makes me feel sad and ugly and worthless. Hair should not have the power to do that but I think our society has made it this way. It's all superficial. I'm grateful to have modern, synthetic, beautiful and sometimes even comfortable wigs to rely on. The most comfortable I use for work days. The others I get out to wear for fewer hours. Some days a baseball cap is good. But I would not feel confident or professional without my wigs. It's wrong, but that's how it is.

I disagree. I don't think it's wrong to wear wigs for any reason.

Hi Marie,
I don't go bald in public, either. Wearing wigs is like wearing clothes for me. I prefer the way I look with hair. Blessings to the ladies who go without wigs, as they are creating awareness of alopecia.
Leslie Ann

Very well said!!!

I would probably wear a wig, had I had the support in the beginning. I have no issues with anyone that wears a wig, for me going bald is what I want and need to be comfortable in my own skin :)

This is exactly how I view wearing wigs, LesileAnn. I was just talking to a girlfriend a week ago in regards to going bald. I choose not to go bald just like I chose not to walk out my house without clothes on. Now I do go bald in my home. I have fully accepted having alopecia and living with it in the most happiest state that I can be in. I am happy for those who celebrate their acceptance by going bald in public.

Like everyone else says. Do what's right for you.. Me, myself. I've been wearing wigs for 16yrs now. Sometimes I feellike just taking my wig off and just throwing it, lol. But I get up everyday and do it all over again. I know we all wish to have our own head full of hair again, but thats not the reality of Alopecia.
Thanks for sharing. Since adding wigs to my wardrobe, I am not unhappy about my Alopecia. In fact, if my bio hair grew back tomorrow, I would still wear wigs. Life gave me lemons, and I made lemonade.
Love your optimistic spirit!

I couldn't have said it better myself Suzanne, you have said perfectly what I feel. It never ceases to amaze me how someone can tell another person how to feel or to deal with a given situation. What ever a person needs to do to make themselves feel comfortable is up to them. I am 58, and when I first lost all my hair 9 years ago, I was devastated. Through a lot of family/friend support, I am at peace with my hair loss, don't love it, but there it is. I wear a wig because it makes me feel like my old self, and I'm comfortable with that.

I'm not bald but the hair I have is worthless. I could wash, dry, curl, spray, every morning and perm every 3 months but it's just not worth it. I wear wigs too. I love them too! I wouldn't even think of going back to trying to do something with my hair every morning. It is fine, thin, and straight as a stick. No body. No product does anything. Perms don't even hold now. I love wigs, especially the wash and wear synthetic. It's the best hair I have ever had!! I think as long as I'm happy I don't care what other people think. I change them up all the time. It's just another fashion accessory, like jewelry and purses. I don't think a lot women are aware of how much easier their lives could be or they'd be right here with us. YOu, btw, look fabulous! Brand and name of that one, please!! color too, I like the color!

Mine was worthless, too, and so I shaved my head. I'm free, now!

I can wear beautiful wigs and fit right in with the "regular" women.



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