Finally...Finallly! Recently i noticed my hair does not fall out as much as before. Before hairs would fall for no reason and when i pulled my hair bare hairs would come out. Also i would get this tickly/tingly/itch on my scalp but now thats virtually all gone.
I was sceptical, so i pulled like 40% of my hair with my hands. At most 3 came out.
was still sceptical, so i combed my hair. At most 2 came out.
So i did the ultimate test, i slept without my hat on so i could see the hairs on my pillow.
Found 3 hairs.
I think its over...finally the fxcking shedding is over. Now i can begin the growing phase :) almost four months in and i think its stopped. Lost about 30% of my hair but i think its finally stopped...blesssss
Yay! That gives me hope! Wow, 4 months huh? I don't know if I will have hair left 4 months now, I think about 40% (at least) is gone.....so happy for you! Grow hair, grow!
Aha! yes! second night ina row with one, ONE hair on my pillow. Big burden lifted off with the shedding stopped. Nails are also getting better, mild ridges and pitting. Hopefully my hair comes back quick. My life is getting back to normal. Best of luck to ya dawg, you'll know your fate by the 6 month mark, if you've lost ALOT by then outcomes not to good im afraid. but its its not too bad, promising full recovery. Hang in there.
thats really good,mine has been going on for four months,still shedding,i have only 30% ish or more hair left. i havent had any treatments as yet,3 months ago i was sent away with steroid cream hasent worked.back to see the dermatologist 23rd may,a long three months wait,have you had any treatments of any kind.or has it just stopped and how long had you had it? also i dont have ridges on my nails,and this is supposed to be connected with AA. ?? good luck sharon.:)
Been getting injections for 3 months. Had AA since late december early january. Not having ridged nails is a good thing, it betters your chances of a better outcome. Good luck too
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