Well after a battle and a half with alopecia I can say I won (for the most part) I was diagnosed with it Last June, tried a cream( did nothing) then decided to do nothing for a few months and as my hair fell out and out and i lost about 40% of it I decided enough was enough, and I went to the dermatologist and we started the steroid injections, well after 6 months of them i can now say 3/4 of my hair grew back. there is one spot though that just wont grow back and i dont know what to do but at the same time i dont care. i am just happy that i have the majority of my hair and its not falling out, so for those of you that are just being diagnosed, dont stress out, try the injections they may work for you. I was told my alopecia was brought on by stress in my life so since finding that out i have been living an easier life with alot less stress letting things go more and being more care free. and its working, i have my hair and im happier. :) just wanted to share this. even if the one spot never grows back on my head i dont care. its just hair right? and hey if it all falls out again at some point in my life who cares. there are some pretty cool wigs out there.

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Hi Jen,
Thats great to hear I just started the shots in april and I can see a little coming back so hearing your results gives me hope . I have alopecia arearta most of my hair is gone not my eyebrows or eye lashes. I have a great wig for now thanks for sharing

No problem, there is hope i was doubtful and then started thinking positive. and now my hair growth is 3 inches long. I am very happy with it. Good luck you'll get there, it just takes sometime

Jenn, thats great news, I'm so glad you found help with the injections. Where did your hairloss start? I have been led to believe that the lower parts near the neck are the least likely to grow back even with the injections. My pattern of hairloss is not helped as much or at all by the injections so I never tried them. I may revisit that in the future. It just goes to show you that there are some things that work for some people with AA, I'm open to most things if I feel that the possible good outcome doesn't overshadow the side effects. Hope you keep your hair too, even if you have that one spot, I'd love to just have one place that I could cover. Good luck to you. You have a great attitude.

I have just started the injections and I haven't seen to much new growth my hair starting falling out in April in 3 weeks I was close to bald I am 50 years old and this is the first time this happened to me .I feel so sad for the younger children or adults when your older your outlook on life is different. Yes I cried and said why me but I also thought how lucky I am to get up in the morning get myself dressed and I feel good I am not in a wheelchair I can see and hear and walk. Life is so short I don't want to spend it inside hiding or crying about having no hair. If it comes back great if not it is what is is it could always be worse...
Thanks for sharing everyone

Hi Lacey,
the injections take a little bit of time to kick in. I didnt see results for 2 months i think maybe it was 3 then after that my hair started growing like a weed. I was so happy with it. for the past year i hid and never wore my hair down and always wore an hat, now i constantly wear my hair down and find new ways of doing it soo i can wear it down again and i feel so happy i remember the first day i went out in a year with my hair down i felt so happy. I hope you'll get there, the injections eventually work, take vitamines too. And eat healthy. Drink plenty of water. I definately cried when i first started losing my hair, heck i almost shaved my head, im thankful i didnt though. I'm glad you have a positive attitude about it though thats all you can do with this.

Hi Christine,
my hairloss started at the back right top of my head, a small patch then other patches formed everywhere. The one spot that hasnt grown back in is along my neck line and its about the size of a tennis ball so it kind of sucks. There is some hair growth there, but its not the type that the dermatologists want to see its light fluffy blonde downy hair unlike the rest thats coming back in dark brown and thicker everywhere else. Hopefully it changes and comes in like the rest. In september I am going to go back in for another shot and see if that helps if the derm will let me. He said I dont need anymore shots but I want to try again if nothing changes in the next couple months. Thank you. Do you still have all of your hair?

hi jenn,that is really good news i myself have had AA since december,so roughly 5 mths now,i had only about 30% ish of my own hair left the patches got larger,and the shedding just seemed to carry on,i ended up shaving it off, i tried the cream but that didnt work,i have since been back to the dermatologist,but i have turned the treatments down,because of the side affects,altough i have growth all over its a blondish kind of colour baby hair,so i still hope and pray it will change and come back normal.i really dont know what made my hair fall,the only thing i did was dieted last year before xmas,and probaly a bit of stress from an ex partner of now? like you say there are nice wigs out there,you do feel alone with this hair thing,but there are some great people on here to talk to,and offer there support.good luck sharon.x

Hi Sharon,
I have had my AA since April my dermatologist said the they truly don't know why this happens?I know that more children have this then adults I am 50 it it just started I to had some stressful events I moved went on a trip and had a stressful event with my family all in 3 weeks time . almost all my hair is gone I to have a cream and the shots I am going back on june 18th for the 3rd session so hopefully , everyone has been very supportive my boyfriend even offered to shave his head to make me feel better :) you are right they do have great wigs out there so I will keep my fingers crossed for you !!!

That's awesome news! Congrats! I'm grateful my hair is *starting* to grow in now, after losing close to 75% since mid-February. Where I live, dermatologists won't even SEE patients for AA, because they don't believe that any of the treatments are particularly effective. :(

That's riduculous!!!! I can't believe they would deny people. I'm happy to hear your hair is starting to grow back. Appearently spinach is really good for the hair... so if you like it eat it. Have you considered travelling to a different derm?

i am really happy for you,mine is comming back but it is still patchy,it will be a year in march since i lost most of it on my head,i had numerous tests cameras,and all come back normal. the only thing they didnt test for was zinc levels,and these was low.i was mad because they never tested for this in 6mths. and i had dieted previously and lost weight to quick and cut out on loads of vital nutrients for your body. mine is starting to darken now. but i have tuned down the treatments,and i am just trying to eat better. it is a long way off yet but hoping it all evens out and starts growing like a weed.xxx

Thanks Sharon keep thinking positive is this the first time this has happened to you? I Feel that mine was stress related just hoping it won't happen again. Sharon your a beautiful girl and those wigs look amazing on you
Lacey xx



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