Hi everyone,

I was officially diagnosed with AA on Tuesday, June 19th after noticing a large bald spot on the left hand side of my scalp. My AA seems to only be affecting the left side of my body...my left eyebrow is half gone.

The dermatologist gave me some cortisone injections into my scalp, which was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. I have to have these injections done every 4 weeks, as well as apply a cortisone cream to my eyebrow (because they can't do injections in that area) and use another type of ointment all over my scalp in hopes of thickening it all over.

Of course she has told me that the injections work 80% of the time, and that my eyebrow MAY grow back in a few months or a year but that ultimately the only predictable thing about Alopecia is that it is totally UNPREDICTABLE.....great...

Anyways, I found this site and so I'm hoping that maybe by talking to others, I may not feel so helpless in all of this. I am incredibly scared of losing all my hair and very self conscious about my eyebrow...I am praying that the cortisone will work or that I go into "remission" and it never reoccurs. I try not to think about it too much, but it's very difficult.

Thanks for reading.


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Hi, Danielle,

You are not alone. I thought I was until I found this group. My hair was always 'fine' (aka 'thin!) but has gotten progressively worse, especially since menopause, so I am looking forward to meeting other people in the same 'boat'.

You are welcome to email me at annehoddy@yahoo.ca if you wish, but totally up to you.

Best wishes,


Of course Anne! I am here to learn and to find support. :)

Hi everyone,

Just started the cortisone cream on my eyebrow and the Minoxidil treatment on my scalp. Hoping and praying that this will work!!!!

Every night I have a bath and feel absolutely heartbroken as I wash my hair and notice the increasing amount of hair coming off on my hands...brings tears to my eyes...

So many ups and downs...FINGERS CROSSED!

Hi Danielle, I have had different forms of Alopecia during my whole life, but wasnt diagnosed until my 30-ies. You will have a time now with fear, anger, sadness and maybe a little hopelessness, but you know what? It will pass. If you can just come around to the fect that it is just hair. And you can live a great, wonderful, happy life without it! You can do anything you want! Trust me on this! I wish all alopecians could reach that point, but I know it is not so.

I am married now, have two kids, live a beautiful life. And a mostly go as I am - bald :) During all years, I have had one bad comment. The woman was an idiot. Otherwise sooo many people are jsut udnerstanding, curious or ask if it is cancer, which gives me an opportunity to teach them about alopecia.

I live in Sweden, and I don´t know if my perception of understanding and supporting people is different in other countries. But here, alopecia is not a problem. At least not for me.

Wishing you all the best. Don´t get to scared to live your life to the fullest now!

Hi Helena,

Thanks for your post. I don't think I would ever be bold enough to go bald! haha

But I am determined NOT to lose my hair in the first place. I know staying positive and healthy is going to be incredibly important

Yikes, I think I'd like to move to Sweden, since you are so accepted there. North America can be very superficial and unforgiving, even more so than Britain (where I'm from originally). I'm glad you have received such support there. But I'm thinking the rest of us needs to move to Scandinavia!

Take care,


Hi Danielle, I don't know about you, but I was just blown away by Norma's post! She's only 10 and she seems to have the wisdom of the ages! I know I said this before, but truly, this WILL pass. Your hair will do whatever it's going to and you have to accept whatever comes, but YOU have the power to be happy. Your hair shouldn't dictate the rest of your life. Most of us on here have had our ups and downs over time but a lot of us have either reached a point of accommodation with alopecia or we've even come to embrace it and feel happy that we've had this amazing opportunity given to us to take a good look at ourselves and find the inner strength to turn this into a positive. It WILL get easier but in the meantime, if you have a bad day, just try to make the next one better. The old adage 'one day at a time' is a good one. Thinking of you.

I am just looking at these 9 pages of posts on this topic. Nine pages of people who care and have compassion for your suffering. I think we would all hug you, if we could, and tell you it IS going to be ok. I think so many of us can relate to crying as you wash your hair. But it does get better! You will get stronger! If you need to vent, feel free to contact me.

Thanks, that made me smile :)


I am so sorry for your news. I know how scared you are. Words don't seem to be enough but just know that we are here for you. Your family and friends should be a source of comfort for you now.

Alopecia is very unpredictable but the only thing you can do is give it to God. He knows your pain and will provide the comfort and strength you need to overcome this obstacle. I know it must seem overwhelming but I promise, if you pray and give it to God, he will come through for you.

We are here for you...to pray, to scream, to laugh, to cry..whatever you need to help make you feel better.

I will pray that you have success with your treatment and that you have the support you need from those around you.

Words don't seem like enough but just know you have alot of people here pulling for you and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Danielle - I'm very sorry to hear that you are going through this.I really hope your treatments work for you and stay positive! I know it is very scary and you feel so alone but you will get through this! I just celebrated by 50th BD the day you posted your story. I got AU 5yrs ago and had no clue about what Alopecia was and had no help what so ever from the Medical community. I sure hope you don't get to the extreme of AU! Try to address any stresses in your life, take care of your emotional and physical self! Rely on your friends and family that love you and use this site for any support.Be strong and I wish you the best...Margo

Thanks Margo...I am trying to eliminate all stress in my life, but it's definitely very hard...I am wondering what the statistics are of people who actually do regrow their hair...I guess there's no telltale signs. My dermatologist told me that the cortisone injections are 80% effective...but I would like to know how many people on this website have actually completely recovered from Alopecia.



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