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But does anyone on here only have patchy baldness that eventually grew back?

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Hi Amy!

I got alopecia in 2003 and started to loose my hair in places like you have, but almost everthing grew back a year/ a year and a half later. (So much I only needed hairpray or at some times just a small scarf to cover up) And now I'm loosing hair during the winter, but it grows back towards the summer. I'm loosing hair on different spots and I lost less hair this winter than before. So each year I loose less and less hair. (This year only a spot in the neck) For me, it eventually grows back. (Likley I won't loose any hair next year)
That is great news for me! It is such a weird disease and it's even weirder how it affects everyone differently. My dermatologist has convinced me that I have only a "mild case" and that it will probably not happen again, but I remain cautious.....I also take prenatal vitamins and biotin every day....I dont know if it helps but I feel like I am doing something to help...maybe the placebo effect??? hahaha

I am so glad I found this site because I really dont know anyone else who has had this before, except my grandmother. She (years ago) went through her mother slowly dying of cancer, and hers was like a U-shape along the middle of her scalp. She got injections and it grew back and never happened again (which is what I'm hoping for!)

Were/are you stressed? Because I am hearing that is one of the main causes of it.....
I got pills with zinc to take everyday, and that would help my hair grow back. Though the pills tasted awful and left a disgusting taste in my mouth so I stopped them. I also tried to wash my hair with dried stinging nettles(for some reason that would aslo help) but didn't keep that up either, felt too weird. :P

I think it happened to me because of stress.
I had just started High School and started get into the whole process of wearing make up and go shopping my own clothes and just starting to care about my looks. A new school and with new classmates and teachers was a big difference and it probably was because of that I started to loose my hair,...
Hahaha....so far, nothing has been very helpful to me except the fact that the first one grew back, and the other is starting. Who knows what will happen from here, but I am going to stick with the treatments. My new insurance does not cover the injections, which are like $95, but it's once a month so I am going to pay it. I am still hoping that these two patches are going to be an isolated incident, but I am also getting myself geared up (a little) for the long haul and so on......so frustrating at times!
Hi Amy,
Welcome. I'm new too and I have patchy baldness also. I'm seeing a derm for the first time tomorrow. My son however, has universalis as you can see. He developed it at 17 yrs. and within 4 mos. it was all gone. What a rollercoaster year it was. He's okay now, but..... I developed these patches shortly after he developed his alopecia. I had one on each side of my head right above the ear and one in the nap of my neck. Fortunately they were hidden too. They did grow back within the year. Now I've developed larger ones sort of like the ones you have in your pics, which are also hidden. All the research I've done doesn't really help inasfar as what will happen, if treatment will work, etc. My son had shots in his patches and cream, etc. It still continued to come out. I think it can be hereditary (obviously he got it from me although mine didn't appear until later in life) at least that I know of. Who knows, you and me could have had it throughout our lives and just never noticed it! My son saw 3 derms in all because we thought each one wasn't helping but the truth is they just couldn't tell us one way or another what would happen, it is so unpredictable. They all did say that if it was going to come back, it would come back by itself anyway even without treatment. So I'll see what this derm says about mine. I decided I won't do any treatments. The first 3 patches grew back, so I'm hoping these will too. I don't think the treatments will help anyway. Congrats on your marriage. Your pics are great. I wish you the best. Later.... Mary
Hi Mary!!

What a frustrating disease/condition this is! Yes, I have heard they are hereditary (my grandmother developed one big one...YEARS ago, got shots and creams, it grew back= no problems since) and I am hoping I will follow her path!! My new dermatologist said it is "highly unlikely" that I will develop total hair loss based on my response to treatment, and the circumstances surrounding my hair loss. WHile I am holding out hope, I am still entertaining the thought of not having any hair at some point in my life!!! For now though, we go with the flow...what else can you do??
I just found my first patcy spot a few days ago, while out of dinner. I have been crying on and off, but telling myself it could be alot worse. At least this isn't life threatening. My husband is being supportive and comforting me. I am making an appt with the doctor tomorrow. But I am very sure I have alopecia. My biggest fear is to lose all my hair. Right now its a patch above my ear and very easy to hide. I have been under crazy stress and will be putting a stop to the stress. I am 32 so after reading your blog I am hoping that b/c I am getting it later on in life, I may not lose all my hair.

I am terrified though, keep telling myself it could be worse. Maybe scared is the correct word.
Well, my family of my father had Alopecia Areata, only in times of stress (1 or 2 times in their lifes) and when they were older than 30 years. So, I am the only one and I have it since I was 10. They say, when you got it since childhood, it is not so good perspective for the future. Also, I had a lot of stress in my life, since my mother died. All my hair fell out that time I was 17. But, my hair grows back always, I know now.
On the bald patches I put some follicle-booster of Nioxin. That works also good. I hoped my Alopecia would be gone with 40, but it's still there. And now some grey hair grows back. It is a strange disease, it's like Aliens who are landed on my head, and leave their circles when they are gone. I think this Alopecia can be very different for anyone. It feels like, you are more naked than other people. Monique



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