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  • Eastpointe, MI
  • United States
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Amy's Discussions

Just Patches

Started this discussion. Last reply by Monique Benthin Feb 2, 2009. 9 Replies

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About Me:
I am 27, married, RN in the Emergency Room, and have 2 beautiful boxer dogs (Holly and Tyson) that I love maybe a little too much!

I found the first spot on the right side of my head when I was dying my roots, that was June of 2008. It was only the size of a quarter. After I completely freaked out, I made an appt with a dermatologist, who diagnosed me with alopecia areata and assured me that it was stress related. I had just finished 6 years of college, was about to sit for my state nursing boards, and my wedding was a few months away. He gave me some steroid shots and some cream to put on it twice a day. I got a full work-up from my doctor to rule out any medical conditions- that came back clear. I was still pretty worked up about it...was i going to lose all my hair? I cried a LOT, and it was difficult because no one I knew had even heard of this, except my grandmother, because it happened to her years ago when her mother was dying.

That spot progressively got bigger, to about the size of half dollar in about 2 months, despite the shots every 3 weeks and the gobs of cream (see my pictures). It was a few weeks before my wedding, and I was getting used to it, and my hairstylist for the wedding did an awesome job covering it up. You couldnt see it on an average day, but if my hair was going to be pulled back it was obvious. She made it totally covered for the big day..thank god!

So after that, I saw some white hairs, then all of a sudden it sprouted- and I mean sprouted! Just when I got excited about that, I was out to dinner with my girlfriends in October, I found another spot. This one is right in the middle of my head, but towards my neck, so it is completely hidden. More shots. More cream. More crying. By December, it was twice as big. My husband is extremely supportive...after all...he is the cream applier!

Today, the first spot has about 5 inches of hair. The other one has stopped growing (I hope), and I only got the shots once in that spot because I got busy...I was switching jobs and insurance and so on. There are a few white hairs there, and few regular hairs, but it's a slow-go.

I have a new derm, and it's growing back well with steroid injections and Lidex cream.

My attitude now is hopeful but cautious. Sometimes it bothers me and sometimes I don't care. I don't have any other hair loss (ie- I still have eyebrows, eyelashes, leg hair, etc). I don't know if it will keep happening, or happen again in 10 years, or if eventually I will lose it all. I have no idea. That is the most frustrating thing, and at times it really upsets me. But I am most thankful that my 2 spots happened in places that could be hidden!!! And I am happy I found this website so I could share stories/success/ups and downs with people who are going through what I have.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Amy's Blog

Sorry it's so long!

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 9:04am 4 Comments

Hi Everyone!

I haven't been on here in soooo long!! I have been really busy....


Well, my hair (my 2 spots) have completely grown in, and I stopped using the lotions/creams months ago. I haven't seen the derm in a looong time, because I don't think I need to anymore. No more new spots have occured. I am tempted to get excited that my alopecia areata was a one-time stressed induced event, but I am not going that route yet. Every once in awhile I get… Continue

Just a little update

Posted on March 29, 2009 at 11:59am 3 Comments

I haven't been back to the derm. I got 2 rounds of injections in my 2nd spot, which is on the back of my head, and was putting the cream on daily, but then I got sick of it.

Both times I went to the derm it's not covered with my insurance, so I had to pay $115 bucks each time. Then I ran out of the cream sample she gave me, and just never went to fill the script.

It's growing, which I suppose is good, but I feel like I gave it a good enough head start, and I'm sick of… Continue

Hair For Two

Posted on March 12, 2009 at 9:53am 4 Comments

Hello all, I have a question....

Last Friday, after 4 tests, I found out that I am preggo :-)

My question is this...for any of you who had/have a "mild" case of AA like mine, what happened when you got pregnant? More growth? Less growth? Nothing?

Please let me know. Thanks!!

It's alive!

Posted on February 27, 2009 at 10:48pm 2 Comments


Went to the derm today. The Lidex gel I was using was starting to give me some zits (3) in my spot..gross. She suggested I take it a step down and use something a little less strong. Gave me some samples, which was cool. Also got more shots...which, I would like to say, hurt like HELL. I remember the shots hurting from the 1st spot, but these really really hurt...we had to take a break!

Anyway, the good news is that the whole spot is covered in hair! My husband told… Continue

White Fuzz and Such

Posted on February 12, 2009 at 11:23am 0 Comments

My spot in the back has a whole bunch of white fuzz...finally. I know this is the beginning of growth, because this is what my 1st spot did before it started sprouting some hair :-) I can't see it, and I just started working the 3pm-3am shift at work so my husband hasn't had a chance to tell me what's goin on back there, but I can feel it. Feels fluffy, and it itches like HELL. So this is good. Bad news for my body...I am winning the war against myself...haha.

No new spots. 1st spot… Continue

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At 1:27am on August 1, 2012, Cheryl, Co-founder said…

Hi Amy, Alopecians in Michigan will celebrate International Alopecia Day with a late lunch at T.G.I Fridays in Livonia. We will be meeting at 3 PM on August 4th.
Come for lunch, come for dinner, come for an appetizer or just come for coffee and dessert!
Let's Meet!
T.G.I Fridays
20120 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152-1087

Please RSVP below so that we can make reservations if needed.

Thanks and we really look forward to meeting you!

PS: Please note that this is a dutch treat and everyone is responsible for their own bill!



At 8:40pm on July 28, 2011, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Amy, Alopecians in Michigan will celebrate International Alopecia Day (August 6th, 2011) with a late lunch at T.G.I Fridays in Livonia. We will be meeting at 3 PM.

Come for lunch, come for dinner, come for an appetizer or just come for coffee and dessert!

We want to meet you!

T.G.I Fridays
20120 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152-1087
(734) 464-8443

Please RSVP on the Events page:, so that we can make reservations if needed.

Thanks and we really look forward to meeting you!

TGI Fridays has been kind enough to offer our group a 10% discount on the meals.

PS: Please note that this is a dutch treat and everyone is responsible for their own bill!
At 3:41pm on August 22, 2009, Aspen said…
I cant believe you are having a baby! comment me back.=]
At 3:04am on June 27, 2009, Misty Boggs said…
Well..I'm very glad that all of your spots grew back! I am wondering if mine is because of stress...but I don't have a whole lot of stress...Just normal everyday things like fighting..but nothing bad! I can't really think of anything dramatic that has happened so I really dont know! I noticed that you said something in one of your earlier blogs about itching...When your hair was growing back in did it itch? Because mine is itching really bad and I have been wondering if maybe it was the clobetasol cream or hair growing back or falling out or maybe even the shots? I'm thanks for the comment- it made me feel better and it gave me a little bit of hope!
At 2:46am on June 26, 2009, Misty Boggs said…
My spots look alot like yours do in your pics! I have three spots though! But I am trying the shots and cream and they are getting bigger! If ya ever want to talk...I'm always here! How is your spots doing?
At 4:09pm on May 19, 2009, Lacey said…
Hey Amy, my name is lacey.
I am in the exact same position as you, Last June my hair dresser noticed my first spot i completely freaked out then it continued to get worse gradually through out the summer it got to about 3 spots 2 in my bangs that wasnt fun and one at the side. My confidence was completely destroyed. However when i got my new boyfriend everything seemed to be looking up my spots began to grow back and everything its been 8 months now and all my spots have regrown but just yesterday i noticed a new one or what looks to me like one it still has hair but it looks like the beginning. Im upset scared worried its just so difficult how unpredictable this condition can be:( But all we can do i suppose is HAVE HOPE thats what i have learned.
talk to you soon
At 11:04pm on May 18, 2009, Bel said…
Hi Amy, just read your profile, sounds rather similar to mine. Im still hoping that my patch will grow back. I only noticed it feb this year, sooooo time will tell.
How is your re-growth going. I too started putting the steriod creams on, but made my hair look worse than it already did, lol, so stopped. All Im doing at the moment is taking iron tablets and B12, feel like I should be doing more, but dont really know what.
So heres hoping that our patches will grow back.
take care,
bel :)
At 12:08am on March 31, 2009, Aspen said…
sorrr i have not talked in a while i have been grounded from the comp so i here your husband is very supported and i hope he is suppotive well i have to go talk to you later bye
At 10:20am on March 4, 2009, Becca Dey said…
Hey amy! was just reading your profile and your story is very similar to mine! How is your hair doing at the moment? Did you find steroids worked for you? I had to stop the steroids because they made my scalp sting and itch! So im sticking more to herbal remedies at the moment, with not much luck to be honest! Your hair looks great in all your pics! And your dogs are extremely cute! hehe.

Hope your good.
At 10:14pm on February 21, 2009, Aspen said…
hi amy i have alopecia aretra and tust me your hair is beautiful compared to mine i lost all of my hair in the back,sides and near the the crown of my head i will hopfully soon but those pics on there so u can see them. your wedding pics are beautiful if you dont mind me saying when you told your husband that you had alopecia did he like freak out or did he just stay with you through the good and the bad times ?


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