I have been fighting alopecia areata since I went off birth control early in 2010. It went away when I got pregnant and stayed away until after my son was born. Started slowly losing along my neck hairline and receded up from there. I started weaning my son from nursing when he was 17 months so I could get the injections done again.
By then I had more patches of hair loss. They wanted to check my thyroid and iron levels and all that jazz.

Iron was slightly low so I started taking prenatal vitamins to increase them. I had the iron rechecked and now its in a normal range.
Also just had a rheumatoid panel done and that was all normal.

I keep insisting to my derm and my GP that hormones are playing a part. Might not be the main cause of the hair loss but it fits my timeline....

Wanter to see what other females have had tested for alopecia areata. Anyone do more than just thyroid, rheumatoid, iron, vitamin levels?

I insisted to my GP the other day that I want my hormone levels checked and she said she wont order the tests bc she doesn't believe that is the cause. What is the harm in checking???? Im so frustrated because my derm wont order them either.

Any other doctors I should consider visiting??

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An endocrinologist, hormones are their thing.



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