Has anyone tried light therapy for AA? I have been doing it for 2 months with some success.

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Hey Tawnya - could you explain more about this process?
The dermatologist has me doing 10 minute UV Light treatment twice/week. This is my third month of treatment and there is some regrowth. He will try to get the insurance company to pay for a unit that I can use at home after 4 months, approx $3,000.
when i was first diagnosed i was getting steroid injections in my scalp about every 6 weeks, my hair would grow back for a short amount of time and then it would fall out again. it was painful and only helped for a very short amount of time...
Our dermatologist has talked about this. She's thinking about buying the machine for her office. If she does, we're going to try it with our 5 year old daughter. I hope it works well for you! Please let us know more in the future.
I have seen the brochure's for the light therapy in my doctors office waiting room but she has never mentioned using it for me. I have AA since I was 12. My first round of spots was then and I had steroid injections for a number of years in the three spots that were easily hidden by my hair. It all grew back by the time I was say 15 and I had no problems with thickness or spots again until 24 when I had more aggressive hair loss, thinning and spots. Since I had gone through this before I knew to ask right away for injections, my first doctor put me on steroids which did nothing but cause weight gain and irritability. I also had a cream and foam. I switched to my new doctor last year who simply wanted to do injections. I have had regrowth in pretty much all the areas I have lost but it has been a slow process.

Is there fear of skin cancer because you are burning the skin? Do they want to burn your scalp to get the hair to grow or is it simply UV rays?
I have information about all the treatments on the internet on many different sites and the UV has come up but it has always said that it gives little results and you cannot use it for a long period of time due to skin cancer which t me seems obvious considering what they say about the sun and tanning beds. I did notice in the summer though when i would go tanning i would tie my hair up and i had no hair on my sides of my head and i dunno if it was just "in my head" but i did have regrowth there lol Im not even sure if its the same thing in the tanning bed lights but i know i always thought it was weird that my scalp ever burned considering i am fair skinned and i would burn right up to my hairline and then nothing on my scalp other than a couple freckles....??

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