In mid Dec my 2 y.o. had a patch of hair gone on both sides of his head in the exact same spots. Our ped. sent us to a derm. the derm took one look, did a hair pull and said it was AA. He is on cortisteroid foam and rogain foam for men each 1x perday- she will see us again in April. He has since lost most of the hair on top of his head and thinned throughout (he strokes his hair all the time as a habit and is now pulling out any loose hairs). Then we went to the chiropractor and he said there was a gluten problem- so we took him off wheat and gluten. Our son is on the smaller side, very pale, sleeps A LOT (13-15 hrs per day) and about the same time we noticed the hair loss he had also lost his appetite. We are at a loss on what to do or who to talk to. My husband's family has a history of alopecia (his mom, a brother and a sister), but has never seen any drs about it nor do they ever talk about. We would appreciate any advice!! I

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Sounds like it's time to go back and talk with your pediatrician again about appetite loss and excessive sleep. Take your son back for a re-eval with his medical doc, not for the hair but because as his mom you're saying he's not quite right to you and that should be followed up. There's no reason any 2 year old should be evaluated or treated by a chiropractor....who is not trained as a medical doc.
Has your son had any blood work? I think that first of all it is important rule out the possibility of any illness... and trust your gut instincts, a mother does know if something is wrong with his son's health. I agree with the previous posters that it may be better to get a second opinion from another pediatrician.
I'm relatively new to this website and for the most part have tried to keep quiet on what I have read. I must say however, that a 2 year old should NOT be on any corticosteroid foam. The biggest misconception that I repeatedly see from most doctors is the prescription of corticosteroid. Research corticosteroid for yourself (everyone that uses it for AA should) and notice the effects on the hair follicle... very damaging! Your sons hair will grow back on its own or it won't... at this age that is all you can do.

Secondly, how does a chiropractor know that their is a gluten problem with your son? Did he run a Celiac Disease blood test? Have you done an elimination food diet?

Thirdly, stop listening to doctors, or even me for that matter. The previous post is right on when they say to trust your motherly instincts. Do not allow doctors to pump your child full of stuff that doesn't work! 1, take a deep breath and realize that AA is not a life threatening disease. 2, if you feel your son has a gluten problem get a Celiac test done (simple blood test and intestinal biopsy). 3, STOP with steroids for AA (they don't work)! There may be a combination of drugs your son can take at an older age if AA is still present however, I wouldn't suggest them at 2.

I hope your sons hair grows back naturally. Cheers
I went to a homeopathic doctor with my son after we tried different creams that did not work and only irritated his head. The homeopathic doctor did a hair analysis and found that he had an extremely high level of copper in his system. Blood work and other tests did not reveal this. After 2 years on vitamins and changing our water system, his hair has grown much more. He has also had a growth spurt and has been extremely healthy for him. He has asthma and used to catch every illness going around. THe sleeping and loss of appetite could be a result of a chemical imbalance in his body. Good luck.
Thank you all so much!



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