Looking for answers. Anyone been diagnosed with female pattern baldness?

Anyone been diagnosed with Female pattern baldness? The Dr believe stress started it. Starting losing hair in Nov. It hasn't stopped at all. How long does the shedding go on? How can I stop it, so I don't lose all of it. I am really scared and don't know what is happening. I posted about a week ago thinking I have the starting of AU. Does anyone have FPB that has caused other hair loss? The eyebrows, eyelashes and pubic. Mostly the eyebrows and eyelashes. The Dr said they think stress cause TE then turned into early FPB. I just don't get it. So I could have FPB that turns into AU? From day to day I have no idea what I am gonna look like. Still have plenty of hair, but wanna stop the shedding. Can anyone help? Any ideas? Any of the same stories?


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Hey Alice, I did have two biopsy's and they confirmed FPB. They think the stress started the TE that turned into early FPB. I am only 29. Really about the body hair? You were told that chronic TE can cause body hair loss? In started in the end of Oct. I just started losing hair in my eyebrows and eyelashes. Others have told me they think it is AU starting. I don't know what to think. I am also not taking anything, cause we're trying to get pregnant.
Michelle, like you I have androgenic alopecia(FPB). I have had it for 15 years though. I have very thin eye brows and eye lashes, but that is pretty much the other other spot that I have hair loss(other than my head of course). They originally told me 15 years ago that it was due to stress, but I never really believed them. But now I know the truth.
I have tried a few medications and had steroid injections also, but nothing really helped with mine. Although there are people that have had some success with treatments. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism which I think is where my AA stems from, but genetics I am sure are a play too, but who knows.
Join the androgenic alopecia group on here, we have a few members and they may be able to answer more questions for you too.
Thanks for your reply.
Did you by any chance very recently go on the pill?
No, have been off of it for 5 years.
IM JUST READING YOUR PROFILE FOR THE FIRST TIME. I TOO HAVE ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA since my teen-hood years. I went on the pill in october 2009, and i do believe it triggered a massive hairloss and burning scalp syndrome in spring 2010.This hairloss still continues. i just want to find peace with the hairloss thing- but cant!
Hey Barbara,

Totally. When I think back, my hair definitely started thinning in my late teens when I went on the pill. But I didn't think about it because it wasn't at all noticeable, just very gradual, so I stayed on the pill for almost 10 years not thinking that one could possibly have to do with the other. The hair loss started to be noticeable about 4 years ago and now I can't stand it. I went off the pill a few months ago and I want to see if anything happens. Dermatologists say to stay on it because at this point the pill is actually helping you hold on to the hair you have. But I don't buy it. Even if there's a little more shedding at first, I want what caused this out of my body and to at least give it a chance to recover. We'll see, so far things are just exactly the same, not better or worse.

If I can't have my hair back then I would at least like to find peace with all of this, but I'm definitely not at that point yet. Not even close.
cyproterone acetate is actually a component of diane and dianette. These are low androgen pills as they do not contain progestins (progestins are potentially androgenic as progestins are converted to testestone & dheas).
Cyproterone acetate is available as a stand alone medication. It is usually prescribed to women with hirsuitism (excess facial hair) a characteristic feature of polycystic ovarian syndrome.. However, I thing "the jury is out" in its potential to prevent hairloss.
Apparently, spironlactone may have the potential to prevent further hairloss. In Europe, Doctors will not prescribe this drug to women of childbearing age as it could potentially cause ambiguous genitalia in a male baby.

Hi Adrian, Just your reply. Thanks for replying. I know exactly how your feeling!!! Ironically I used to have the nicest hair in my school- chestnut brown, poker straight, past my waist with a mirror shine!! It was "my thing" and for some hormonal/stress reason it had been snatched away from me.
Like you, My hairloss was just centered around my crown, I used to be able to disguise it- but this last episode of loss is all over my scalp... So looking bad!!
At this stage, I feel any medication that is hormonal-based has the potential to cause hairloss. Hair-growth cycle is influenced by hormones, and obviously some people are more sensitive to androgens (the baddy hormone in hairloss!). I also believe, that stress had a role to play in my hairloss (stress also can switch on hormones like cortisol).
At the moment I'm seeing a psychologist in relation to this loss- I want to start to enjoy myself again. I find it really helpful!!! I know that there are positive options out- there, not perfect options, but ones that potentially can make a difference to my life at my moment. I have decided to go down "this freedom hair" piece route.
I cannot accept my loss. I never will. But my hair thoughts has consumed too much valuable time.I think that you and I have to find a remedy (let it be hair integration for you or "freedom" for me.).
I would love to be be friend!



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