My eyebrows packed up & left a few weeks ago. Now it appears that my eyelashes & nose cilia are following suit. I’ve never had this happen before so just wondering if there is anything special I should do or not do to minimize eye & respiratory issues. Thanks in advance.

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I lost everything last year. I think the drippping nose slowed down after a while, but in dry weather I need a little vaseline to stop inside my nostrils cracking. Saline sprays will also help your nostrils deal with dry weather, air conditioning and plane flights.

For no eyelashes - lubricating drops from the chemist and wearing glasses as much as possible will protect your eyes. If you dust around the house, garden, do metalwork or carpentry invest in a pair of safety goggles. I also carry an eyebath everywhere with me - so many hazards for the lashless. Beware of glare - it is easy to get burnt eyes - love those sunnies!

Next you may notice no ear hairs lets wax accumulate (as hairs point one way - out). If it irritates see the chemist for some softening drops before you mess around with your ears.

Good question. It is a bit of an adventure isn't it!
Thanks for the suggestions. I have dry eyes which itch like mad so not rubbing them will be a challenge. I already use artifical tears for the dryness so that won't be much of a change. Thank you for the suggestion regarding the saline spray. I have a bottle but didn't think about using it for this. I'm always around dust & dirt, especially in the barn & gardens. I usually tie a bandana around my face when I'm moving hay / straw or mucking stalls. This just gives me all the more reason to continue using them or to get good dust masks...and who couldn't use another nice pair of sunglasses! Maybe a nice pair of wrap arounds will keep out some of the wind blown debris.
Tony- I agree with Susan a netti pot is a great way to keep your sinuses clean and think it really may help you. Warning- it is not that easy at first so be patient! I tried it for pollen allergies. It’s kind of cool in gross creepy way. ;) Might want to wear an old t-shirt and have a towel on stand by for your first go at it.

The first time I used the netti pot I had water running down my neck, cheek, throat and some how got a pain in my ear! Salt water Everywhere but coming out my Nose! …. Haha. My sister was standing by with baited breath waiting to see what came out of my head! (sicko) She kept making me laugh—that doesn’t help! I couldn’t help envision the headline in the community newspaper “ drowning my netti pot”
Once you get the hang of it though it works. Really hang your head 90 degrees or a little better. Also I believe my cost around 15$ too—and I bought my at Walgreens.

Good luck-- if you try it let us know what you thought!

Oh—and last year I finally had a turn to laugh at my sister’s first attempt. She had a bad cold with a lot of congestion…. So it took honking like goose to finally get her to try it…. -- but don’t worry I had a bucket to catch any rocks should they fall out of her head!! ( she didn’t find humor in that! Swatted me one! ) ahhhh sisters….
Heather your description was too funny. Always great to see siblings who get along so well...your family must have their hands full when you two get together.
This all happened to me about 8 months ago. You should make sure that you always have a tissue with you now. When you lose your nose hair you cant stop anything if you have a runny nose. I have found myself in many embarassing situations!!
As for your eyes, glasses!! I wear my sun glasses anytime I am outside in the open air.
Hey Tony,

Just curious now that it has been a few weeks-- are you having any eye or respiratory issues? Felt the need to attempt the netti pot yet?

Hope all is going better than you expected! ;)
Still adjusting to both the new look and the opportunities that the lack of eyebrows and the slow loss of eye lashes present, especially now that the warmer weather is here. Bandanas work well for keeping perspiration out of the eyes...short of wrap around glasses, haven't figured out how to keep the little no-see-um bugs out of the eyes yet. Guess I never realized how effective eyelashes were in keeping them out. I'm using artifical tears to keep my eyes flushed out which works fairly well.

Haven't tried the netti pot yet but learning to keep a hanky or tissue with me at all times. Found out how embarassing this can be if I didn't. Live & learn...



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