Losing My Hairline and Recession Areas.....Need a Solution to Cover It. BANGS?


I'm going through my second time with losing my hair.  I first lost my hair due to chemotherapy for Stage III breast cancer when I was 33 years old.  When my hair grew back after chemo, it was sooooo different and very, very WHITE.  FOr the last 20 years I've been in a salon every two weeks getting it colored and bounced around from trying to wear it culy to getting straightening treatments, ALL WHILE TRYING TO CREATIVELY STYLIE IT TO MINIMIZE PART LINES HIDE MY ROOTS. 

Earlier this year, I started noticing bald patches and hair loss all throughout around my hairline and recession areas and up to my crown area. I went to see a hair loss replacement doctor in August to have a scan and biopsy done and he diagnosed me androgenetic alopecia. I started wearing a red light therapy hat and taking 1/2 tablet of minoxidil per day. My life isn't completely about hiding white root regrowth anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,I have MULTIPLE wide and WHITE part lines, dramatic thinning, texture changes, and my hairline is non existent and I need help to know what other women do to hide their hairloss, ESPECIALLY the areas that frame the face, like "bang" styles, or cranial prosthetics, specialty hairline/ integration systems with bangs and recession, combover styles (that don't look "Donald Trumpish", wigs, etc.   I have a high forehead to begin with but now it's even higher.  I'm dealing with too many problems, all coming to a head at one time, covering white roots, losing hair, dealing the multiple textures and growth problems, and hair that isn't really "style-able" anymore.  In hindsight, I probably never recovered all of my density after chemo and always have some areas that were patchy but I had been able to creativly blowout my hair to cover these areas.  BUT, not anymore :(  I don't even want to leave the house or try to keep styling something that isn't there. 

II live in Lake Forest, California (Orange County).  Does anyone have any resources or know of options for custom hair integration systems, custom wigs, etc.  I've hard of Dermatex, Cyber Hair Micro Point Accents or Micro Point Links, etc?

I would appreciate any and all resources, information, support, a buddy, etc.

Thank you to all!


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