Hi i have recently been diagnosed with AU and i have lost my nose hair. A couple days after losing it, i caught a cold, which has gotten pretty bad. I know that a boy in my aunts neighborhood who has alopecia wears a surgical mask during the winter so that he doesnt get sick. Do you think that that would help me? Or is there another way to avoid getting sick?

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I have had AT since 12 when I was 30 I developed AU. I have not experienced any difference in getting bugs/colds etc, with or without nose hairs.
I think wearing a surgical mask is a little extreme, live and enjoy life, there are some natural things you can take which can help you be a little more resistant to colds, but be carefull if you have a thyroid problem as they can effect it too. Do a little research, or better see a naturopath
All the best x

Live your life. Everybody gets colds. You have an overactive immune system not underactive so there is no need for extreme precautions unless you have other underlying problems.



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