Appears yes:

FDA-approved naltrexone, in a low dose, can normalize the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous ...

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You could find an integrative dr. They will prescribe.
Anybody know of a doctor in Dallas, TX that works with LDN? I have a friend that i grew up with who is a naturopath in Portland that suggested this a few years ago, but of course I don't live there. Plus i think she was leary since we were more acquaintances than friends to get too involved. My doc (Sklar) all but poo-pooed the idea saying that was a drug for drug addicts trying to overcome addiction, despite my trying to educate him on the difference of LOW DOSE naltrexone as opposed to normal dose. Doctors in Dallas are SHAMEFULLY not progressive. I really wish i knew of a good one here!!
How about an intergrative clinic?

Hi all,good news I have found a doctor who will prescribe ldn for me just waiting on my prescription now although I can't get it on nhs I have to get it privately but it isn't expensive £30 for the prescription and then £18 per month,looking forward to trying this as ok haven't tried any medication at all in over 30 years,will keep you all posted.

Good luck Kevin, yes please do keep us posted.Sounds very interesting.


We have finally reached our full dose. Best to ramp up slowly for a couple of weeks. No side effects at all. Nothing. Let's stay in touch Kevin. We will be thinking of you. I wrote to LDN org. They said there are alopecia success stories.
My dr said a compounding pharmacy would be an absolute MUST to get dosage correct. I think it is a complex process. The lab took 9 days to mix for us.
Hi pterese My LDN arrived by courier yesterday and I will be starting it today,I've to start at 1ml per day and increase by 0.5ml per week.It is in liquid form and it has been compounded by Dicksons pharmacy in Glasgow who I believe are very experienced in LDN I will keep you all up to date with my progress.
That is great and sounds very similar to our plan. There is a new book on Amazon that goes into great detail about how LDN treats autoimmune imbalance. It could take up to 12 months. Good luck!

I use Dicksons Pharmacy in Glasgow too, they are highly recommended.

this treatment is of shit I see no positive result

How long have you been taking it? What dose? Liquid? It is touchy and has to done correctly
I came across another AU patient who it helped tremendously. I certainly see very positive effects with my daughter as well. In fact I don't think there is anything available BETTER than LDN.



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