Appears yes:

FDA-approved naltrexone, in a low dose, can normalize the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous ...

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Dr. Ian Zagon at Penn State is lead researcher. I contacted him and he emailed back several months ago. I imagine he could answer this as he would have specifics to all lab trials.

Hi I am based in the UK and have started LDN 3 weeks ago.  Side effects are minimum but it does disturb your sleep - vivid dreams but nothing too difficult.  There is a great Facebook page on LDN it is a closed group and very informative with lots of links to print out and give to you doctor.  My rheumatologist prescribed it for me, he has a few patients on it and is open minded to it.  No hair growth yet, but lets be honest nothing is going to work that fast.  Hair is the slowest thing to sort itself out due to the hair cycle.  Is this the miracle drug - that I cannot tell you yet.  I hope it is.  I have Sjogrens Syndrome and MCTD and LDN has helped with muscle pain and I feel my mood improving.  Is it worth trying - yes as it has hardly any side effects.  The drug has been around for a long time so no drug company will make money on it by doing trials for all the different auto immune conditions people have.  Sad but true.  

Vicki, please keep us posted. I saw growth after two months, but I am aware it can take much longer than this.

I will do, I just hope it works for me too.  Did you see growth all over?  What dose where you on?  I started on 1.5mg and am now on 1.8mg - I am slowly working my way up.  Some people go up 0.5 a week until they reach 4.5.  I take in liquid form via the pharmacy so its easier to taper up or down.  I have lost hair on my arms, legs and sadly my eyebrows have been effected too.  Whole thing is a nightmare which is why I am hoping LDN works.

I was able to speak to a doctor today about alopecia and ldn.
I quote her:
"I have just started treating a patient for this issue and after 6 weeks of increasing the dosage she believes that it may be helping. That is my only experience to date.

My experience with LDN is that its effects can be different for different people having similar issues."

Interesting... I believe we should have more data on ldn and alopecia in the next few months. Good thing is the non existing sides and the low cost, but there is not enough scientific evidence that it works for alopecia. 2016 is a wonderful year. We will find a solution, am convinced.
What a positive attitude. So sad drs are under educated when it comes to this drug. No patent, no profits. Why WOULD the Pharms care in marketing it and beginning trials?? I do see results with my daughter, each day a little more hair. In fact, every follicle has a fuzzy blonde hair showing
I have no doubt it is working and I feel comfortable giving it to her knowing her liver and immune system will no be compromised. It's a wonderful year!
Keep us posted pterese. Only way we will find treatment or cure is by helping each others.
Unfortunately a lot of people stop coming back to forums and sharing experience once they have a head full of hair. Probably because this disease is such taboo.
I am dedicated to sharing any positive news. Thank you for the encouragement. Two friends are starting LDN this week with other autoimmune conditions.

So fabulous to hear and like you say there is nothing better knowing out of all the options out there, your daughter is on a medication with no awful side effects.  Fingers crossed the hair keeps coming!  

Fingers crossed. I want to add she is dairy and gluten free, non GMO, though I let her have her first doughnut yesterday to celebrate the peach fuzz! She does 2000 U vitamin D each day, Omegas, medical grade probiotics, and prescription calcium. We juice each morning power greens and organic fruits and veggies. No matter what happens with her hair, I love all this nutrition and hope it will become a lifestyle for her.

Thank you.  What strength calcium does your daughter take, and which medical grade probiotics?  I take Symprove but wonder if thats good enough?  I do know when juicing we have to avoid spirulina - have you heard that?

Oh boy. I actually ADD spirulina. UT oh. I thought it helped with PH. Her PH was 7.5, so pretty good. Why should it be avoided? Does it conflict with immunity somehow? I will send a photo of the calcium and probiotics. Both came from the dr.



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